American library books Β» Science Fiction Β» And Atlantis had existed tomorrow by Justin Mader (electronic reader txt) πŸ“•

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I cannot do absolutely anything with all that!"

"I am sorry, Mr. President, but nobody of the technical staff, especially to our physicist's staff, has got up to the locking state more to penetrate to us!" "And there can one do nothing more against it?" "Well, we've picked up one person half an hour ago, that claiming to be a astrophysicist from the university of Denver."

"And... I have to drag you all from the nose Duval... he is trustworthy?"

", ...his papers are real, but we could not knock off him yet properly, because since the locking state all network lines have been cut outward. And one secure management can build up no connection with the server of the registration register."

There Smith "...You interfered said, an astrophysicist of the university of Denver? So if it is reallyβ€š for which I hope, then he is surely trustworthy!"

"Well, send him in!"

After a few minutes two GI came back with guns at the ready with a civilian He was a man of approx. 45 years, one with brown, already easily in the grey tending hair, in a little bit unkempt state, but with an alert look which entered the room. He scrutinized everybody in the room persons present, winced something at the sight of from Smith and then he planted himself in front of the president and said with an evil eye. 

"I have the honor to complain me about the treatment, in all due form at the highest level, but I'm not your schoolboy, Mr. President, my name is Dr. Charles Turner of the University of Denver!"


Cheyenne Mountain trip two

I knew of course with whom guys was not to be joked. And to have a M16 in the strip area, was also not quite amusing. After all, the M16 was the standard weapon of the U.S. Army and thus there could not have captured me someone, in any case, no slimy aliens who had our jets shot down. I recapitulated, caliber 5.56 and 30 shots ammunition ,... if one of the both GI's, which stood there to behind me, the nerves went through, ... the protection lever of their weapons was dropped on continuous fire - as I could see- there would not be left much from me, and indeed, also not more a lot from the both, causes by this the narrow passage and the expected ricochets.

Thus, I kept also quiet as they pulled up my anorak and fixed me with it, clung to my identity card and threw me to ground. I also say no more, as they hoisted me on my anorak, dragged me through some corridors and other rooms up to a cell and threw me into it with a kick.

The cell was furnished extremely spartan, a cot, a washstand and a toilet, no window, only one fluorescent lamp illuminated the room. I sat down therefore on the cot, let my legs dangle down and waited.

After approx. one half an hour, they got me again. "The anorak you will not need' any more, 'well, already come on!"

Again, they pushed me quite ungallant through several rooms and corridors, pushed me in an elevator, which raced at least 200 floors downward until the equipment of the rooms slowly 'noble' was and eventually I was finally pushed into a meeting room which had great proportions and ...

... and housed an extremely illustrious society. I could not almost trust to my eyes what I saw there. The high military, nearly the whole government of the USA including Obama himself, a little man, not greater than 1.5 m and...

... a damn pretty, well-shaped girl in Russian uniform! I winked at her, but first I had to look after the official and had to protest against my suffered disgrace. So I walked up to Obama and told him defiantly my opinion:

"I have the honor to complain me about the treatment, in all due form at the highest level, but I'm not your schoolboy, Mr. President, my name is Dr. Charles Turner of the University of Denver!"

Then Silence returned one for a few moments really, everybody stared at me, on account of my brazenness with open mouth in and both GI's did not know so surely what to do with their guns now... shooting, here in this room, nearby the president?

The President waved down, "Well, if you were badly treated, then I would like to apologies me in all form for it, but as far as I know, you have got admission to a top secret base of the government of the United States of America and this is no trifle in peaceful times too. And in times like these, one must see the thing even narrower!"

The small gnome came up to me, looked at me with interest, started to wink like mad and laid his head crooked, "Yes, it is really Mr. Turner from the University of Denver!"

Also the Russian angel came up to me and said, "Yes Mr. President, he is absolutely trustworthy."
"And where from...?"

"Now," believed my angel innocently, "how Putin already said, I have certain abilities!" 

Obama nodded to the GI's and ushered them out.

Even the gnome said to have put forward a justification: "Well I do not know this gentleman in person, but he has written a research paper about the system Epsilon Aurige in collaboration with Professor Robert Stencel, the 'Infrared observations of the system Epsilon Aurige during their coverage', if I remember right."

"And what is so unusual in it?" Obama threw in. "Now this system, which we call Klakrrrak, our people originates from there!"

"And you are really one of the 'grays', and you really come from the Auriga system, humph, but how can an intelligent species originate in such a double system including dark cloud and then survive still in such unstable surroundings?!", I exclaimed surprised.

"Now, everyone here calls me Smith and our survival deals with the fact that one year lasts with us, converted two years with you and therefore all effects occur also a little more slowly with us. Our planet circled in a relatively wide radius to the main star with the exactly 28.5-fold mass of your sun and the axis of rotation of our planet stands vertically to the main level of our solar system. However, I think we should look after our main problem! We are hopefully complete now, I had already tried tree times to deliver my statements!" However, also this time he had no luck.

"Please, ladies and gentlemen immediately come in to the controlling space, there we can observe the newest events in the towns!", Duval shouted in the conference room.

I followed the illustrious company, trying as far as it went near my angel to stay and realized that they took note of amused.

On the big monitors pictures of various supervision cameras were to be seen. But what one got to see there, the blood let to one freeze in the veins. Since there mechanized fighting machines went forward obviously without taking into consideration losses against everything and everybody. Here such a machine crushes a bus, there flew screaming crowds out of their cars that were stuck in a traffic jam and fired beside other machines with red beams on buildings that went by in a gigantic explosion after impact of the effect of beam.

"Well", Obama said, "that was to be expected, they spread fear and terror in order to improve their negotiating so we rather have to give in to their demands then. A well-known tactical approach!"

"Now Sir, I would not like to rob you all your images and hopes, but I already said, these are the Quorx!"


"Quorx are entirely different in their way of thinking ... like.... now this idea fits rather nicely... like corals to the fishes. Fish think more alike like us, so the people, the Klakrrrak and the Artusianer to call only some. While our species have a 'self-awareness', a distinctive individuality of its own, this idea is completely foreign to the Quorx. Though they can operate as an individual individually, but this is not the quintessence of their society. They own a sort of swarm Intelligence with which they can solve technological huge problems.

Alone they have a possibly intelligence of, ... humph, sometimes we can say, ...of dogs... Moreover, they thereby have a completely other way of thinking in the area of morality and objective. So simplistically said,... they do not want to negotiate with you, at least not as long as they see themselves as winners. Their aim is as well as to extinguish the intelligence on the respective planet completely and to collect afterwards the raw materials without risk."

"That is, they do not want to conquer us and they do not need us, not as an agent, or even, perhaps as slave laborers, ... or thus?"

"Exactly, a slave laborers requires for functioning of food, clothing, rest periods and in addition also supervision. This can make a robotic unit with a lower energy input much cheaper, faster and more efficient," Smith noted completely emotionless.

Obama suddenly saw almost as gray as our - sarcastic, or he meant it seriously - gray friend, and the rest of us did not fare much better. It seemed to be hopeless. "Yes, and what you want to tell us now, you already tried to bring us closer to something all the time!?"

"Exactly, I meant with it, if they see that they would not have to reach their aim or put too much expenditure in the raw material production, then you could hold them away from their intention."

"Ah, so everything what we have, put into the attack?!"

"Yes and no! We must co-ordinate our actions of course and take advantage of their weak points! This is why I spoke at the beginning of our and their propulsion system too."

"Well then we are going on speaking."

"Well, while our propulsion technology is based on the Screening of the Tensor-Vektor-Skalar-Gravitation, the propulsion technology of the Quorx is based on the Euclidean space of a multidimensional, pseudo riemannschen variety."

"But, nevertheless, this is more completely of physical Bullshit!!", I threw, "There is no 'Tensor-Vektor-Skalar-Gravitation', that is based again on the so-called 'MOND-theory', that already is disproves years ago! There is only the 'Newtonian gravitational theory', supplemental by the 'Einsteinsche theory of relativity' in which the gravitation just bends the space time round big masses, and this gravitational radiation spreading out with speed of light, short said, the Gravitons, just generates the power of attraction... which is not shielding cash, by the way!!!!"

"And you just say this to me, who was already on the move more than meanwhile 100,000 light years with the spaceships which are based exactly on this technology?", Hereby his already small mouth becomes even smaller and it looked like that he was pulling him outwards, almost as if he now wanted to give me a kiss, but obviously, this was for him only a sign of displeasure.

I gasped, "But that would mean that all physical performances of the leading teaching, ..."

"... belong in the garbage tone tilted! Well, so tragically it is not indeed. But there are speeds greater than the speed of light, you've now already grasped see the results of OPERA in the measurement of neutrino in Cern and Gran Sasso! Even if the result has now been dubbed officially as a measurement error, not to disavow the leading doctrine, of course, agree the insights found there. But it would thus go down far too many jobs and money means the creek., we here know better. Gravity is coming from the outside force of the tachyon, which slowed down the mass of the cosmological objects, or is shielded. This speed increase of Lightspeed in Gran Sasso showed the way, even with the shielding effect of the tachyon by the masses under the Mountains. So altogether, gravity does not result purely by the sun and planet masses, but because these masses shield the radiation forces acting from outside the tachyons, so superluminarer particles, ie a kind of Skalarkraft. Say, the actual gravitational forces come from the outside and push the planets and celestial bodies, thereby generating the experienced force of gravitation."

"But then the whole formulas of Einstein and Lorentz no longer tune, although they still consistent with the observation in the entire universe.", I tried to use my conviction.

"Now it remains only partially, as a special case of the tensor-vector-scalar gravity, just as you can view the Newtonian theory of gravitation only as a

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