American library books Β» Science Fiction Β» And Atlantis had existed tomorrow by Justin Mader (electronic reader txt) πŸ“•

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in the "dark", but, that he himself in a sort of tunnel, walls cloudy wobble, in the direction of the white. And the feeling of happiness became stronger and stronger, more and more infinite, although the mind said him that there was no increase of the infinity, but his mind had also been wrong in thought of the appraisal of the movement, why it should be different now. Suddenly he heard a quiet murmuring which became slowly clearer and clearer, that finally rose up to a whispering of thousand voices and became also always louder, finally, until he thought that his ears become to burst. He tried to keep them closed but then he found out that he had no arms to begin this attempt. "Stops, I cannot not withstand this and I can also not understand you what do want you from me?"

All at once with a blow the voices fell silent. Clearly, he could understand "Here I am!" In a far distance, in the middle of the center of the white light the shades of a black shape were peeled out. They got closer and closer. That has to be Anubis, the ruler of the kingdom of the dead, he thought, however, he could see that the shape does not owned a jackal's head, but has old however regular human trains. But also Osiris it could not be, because he had not the typical beard. However, this shape carried a long white flowing beard. "... God...???" the thoughts flashed by, however, he winced, according to a concept of the "only one and overpowering", those there was not existent in the Egyptian god's world. Anubis, Osiris, Seth, Thot, Sokar, Upuaut, Horus, Amun Re maybe, but all looked completely different and operated only in the totality, at least he had taught one him thus. Was everything wrong, what one him learnt what one had dinned him as a child? Was the Amduat, the dead person's book completely unnecessary wrong and the incantations located in it to the rescue of his soul before the everlasting damnation?

He tried to remember one of the stanzas and quoted:

"O Amon, Amon! From the vault of heaven

If you look to the earth.

Turn your beaming face to the stiff, lifeless cover

Of your son, the much-beloved!

Structure him hard and confident of victory

In the lower worlds!"

However, it changed nothing in his situation. He further hurried by this tunnel and the shape with the white beard slowly came on him too namely regardless of his speed in the tunnel itself. A peculiar state! When the shape stopped only a few lengths of him remotely, he saw like they started to smile and opened mouth. Indeed, no sound came out from it. The beard bearer smiled again and indicated to his head and then at him. He strongly had to concentrate, but then he could hear the voice which materialized without sound and sound directly in his mind.

"Hello, my boy, your time has not come yet! Return and do the duties assigned to you!" If he had had a larynx in this situation, now he would have had to swallow.

... God... or whoever, the shape was very familiar to him, ordered him to return and to continue his life because nothing differently he could interpret these words. There he noticed all at once the counter suction, that pulled him out of the tunnel like with an rubber band ..... Rubber???? ..... . Slowly the shape disappeared again in the white. Nevertheless, anyhow peculiarly, he could recognize a glass in which a steaming golden-brown liquid sloshed in the right hand of the shape. Also this seemed to him anyhow trusted..., however, nevertheless.

However, he did not want to go back, back in the world of the power, the worries, pains, in the world where there was not this infinite feeling of happiness simply, but nothing helped, the rubber band pulled him back relentlessly.

The white light shriveled again to a point and then was there again only darkness. However, then he saw in the darkness a few lights below his I. To here he was drawn with relentless power. However, he wanted to see more and hardly it came in his mind, the world turned around under him and he could see directly down to the lights. He identified them as numerous campfires in which many people sat tightly packed. And exactly under him, he saw himself....... or better said, his lifeless body. 

However, where was Tama? Then he could see her. She stood straight, had the Katana... Katana???.... pulled and raged in the rows of the enemies. She held the slightly crooked sword with both hands and distributed quick, but specific slashes. A parade, stepping back, then a lightning counterattack, another stepping back and again there lay an opponent with intersected throat or pierced body on the ground. Another opponent tried to attack her from the back, however, also this attack she had foreseen obviously and the sickle sword of the attacker broke under her parade which she had led behind her back, over her head. However, from the campfire even other people jumped up and ran heavily armed to the battle ground. They were simply too many, but he could undertake nothing, because still he floated above his lifeless body and could only watch.

Slowly the attackers changed their tactics. Instead of turning individually against her, they tried it now in twos or third too. But also, this attack tactics brought them only further dead people. However, then another "wrapped up" appeared and called the attackers to order and discipline. "Everybody steps back!" Now all further attacks of Tama brought nothing to her, because the opponents always just stepped back. On the contrary, these attacks cost only strength of her, which decreased obviously more and more. Finally, now approx. another 30 attackers had completely surrounded her by this tactic, they had her in the trap of which she could not come out any more. The evident leader of the bandits snapped with his fingers and 5 archers prepared gap to themselves in that only remained raised curves, laid the arrows to the tendons and stretched them. Helplessly Khaled el Tamer watched with these scenes. Even before the arrows could leave the tendons he shouted loudly, so loud he could do this in his disembodied state, "Noooooooooo!"

He could not believe what happened then. All around himself he saw all at once a shimmer in the air that vibrate and rolled a wave towards the attackers, mowing down everything. When he could think again clearly, all attackers lay in the vicinity of approx. 100 meters, but also Tama lifelessly on the ground.

All at once he felt that all his forces decreased and he accelerated in the direction of his lifeless body and united with this. Then he heard and saw nothing more.


Cheyenne Mountain Complex two

Now the devil was going on. Everybody talked all at once, gave vent to his astonishment and some to his terror in the round.

"Today on this day, during these few hours, I have experienced more, than in my whole present life! And I have celebrated only in November my 70th", vice president Biden ascertained. 
After a strict look of Obama, he added, "But I believes, I could have renounced loving with pleasure this!"

Minister of Finance Timothy Geithner turned to the former defense minister Robert gates who had stayed by chance just also in the White House, and had been taken up in this circle: "Knew you also by all these things?"

When this one nodded in affirmatively, Geithner did further bump after: "And how we could defeat the Nazis then at that time in 1958?"

"Fromβ€š 'we' no speech can be, the Greys simply had the better weapon systems than the others. While the Germans used their KsK's, so a sort of Rosen...Γ€hhh. ...tunnel or such a thing, thingummy... Gravitation cannon...",

"An 'Einstein-Rosen-BrΓΌcken-Aufrisskanone', or simply spoken, a 'worm hole cannon' which hits a tunnel in the dimensions by reinforced gravitational waves and presses together the aim object to a Singularity", Smith helped out. 

"Yes, or whatever, in any case, the Greys could lead against it their plasma throwers in the field. While the KsK's were silent and free of remains, nevertheless, the plasma throwers had substantial side effects of the atmosphere and generated huge atmospheric pressure differences, speak, storm gusts of more than 1,000 km/h were released. And, finally, it came by her application for substantial radioactivity, especially with the heavy calibers of the parent ships."

"The plasma thrower, is a sort of radiotherapy device which moves every matter which is in the effect area into a plasma state, prefers in an element with an ordinal higher than 230, and, unfortunately, they are radioactive everybody...", complemented Smith.

"Yes, expressed very much 'clarified'. Hence, in any case, we had to release in the course of our operation 'of Argus' in 1958 to the cover of these storms and the radiation three nuclear weapon explosions in the southern hemisphere. At that time, at least, the Greys have used their whole fleet stationed here in the solar system, including the feeder and parent ships which fired from all weapons."

Mr. Smith complemented, "Yes and one should still say to the fact thatβ€š we had the heavy losses, you have contributed merely the nuclear bomb explosions. Moreover, two other points were decisive for our victory. 

The Artusianern which come from the star system which is known in your star catalogues as Aldebaran, used the more susceptible reel technology which offers though more possibilities, but is also more susceptible to mistake than our silicon-crystal technology, oh forgiveness, microprocessor technology. And secondly our protective screen technology is better, or is better said, the Artusianern have no protective screens beside the gravitation screening which serves primarily the impulse, actually."

"But, nevertheless, all these secrecy measures had to have cost an amount of money, why I could find of it no issues in the budgets of my predecessors?" "Well," meant Gates, "this was just the art which only 'Ike' understood brilliantly!"

Obama's attention was concentrated more on colonel Tamara Svetlana. "I have not held such a thing for possible, until I have seen it with own eyes, Colonel."

"Tamara Svetlana is enough", answered the pretty Russian. Obama's look glided than over the two red stripes and 3 golden stars of the shoulder flaps, about the perky put on little ship on theirs, to the back to a plait tied together black hair, then his look glided over her face and deeper to the very wide curvatures. Quick he looked round, no Michelle was not present anyhow and the others were occupied too much with themselves.

"And... Γ€hh... you are really real, so....", he stuttered, "... really physically here present, not maybe only one hologram or such a thing?" and when she nodded knowingly smiling,

"And how do you enforce all that?"

"Now I simply think, I would want to go through this wire and there or there, and hardly I have thought this, I am already on the way.", she answered as if it would be the easiest thing in the world....

"This ability functions only by modulation of her paramechanic ego frequency on an already available electromagnetic carrier wave?" Smith meant, which to himself with interest he complained into the conversation. Besides, he winked several times with the eyes and laid his head crooked. Obama could not understand this play of features completely, because he also did not know the characteristic features of these species, on top of that where he had dealt up to now only with one single copy. So he had never seen Smith smile and doubted that Smith was able to do so on account of his physiognomy. Although, a certain humor competence one could not arrange to him completely.

"And what do you hold of the topical situation Mr. Smith? Which possibilities we still have?"
"Yes, I already wanted to deliver just now a statement in addition."

"My ladies and gentlemen, please around rest, Mr. Smith would like to analyse the given situation!"

"We can assign the parent ship in the orbit unambiguously, it is a ship of the Quorx." Smith said and was quiet, as if with this everything would be said. 

"And further?"

"Well, while our impulse technology is based on the Screening of the Tensor-Vektor-Skalar-Gravitation, by the formula:

 the impulse of the Quorx is based on the Euclidean space of a multidimensional, pseudo Riemannschen variety."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Obama interrupted him. "Now it becomes too technical to me. Mr. Duval we have here in the base not an engineer or better one physicist who knows a lot about all junk better?

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