American library books Β» Science Fiction Β» And Atlantis had existed tomorrow by Justin Mader (electronic reader txt) πŸ“•

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we have the older rights on this protectorate, Γ€hhh,… we were on this free planet before ..... However, enough of the words, I wanted to make a statement... to the topical situation".

Suddenly everything went very fast. A siren started to howl in staccato inappropriate cycles, the door of the room jumped up and an adjutant stormed in: "Now it is so far, Sir! The parent ship has just begun dropping out several thousand of sloops which place themselves near our cities and drops out ground troops for their part."

"Immediately release DefCon 1!", barked Duval. At the same time the phone in the room started to ring. Yes really, it was quite a normal phone with ancient listener and mouthpiece, however, of no dial and it was red. 

Obama hard breathed deeply and picked up the phone.

"Yes, we see it too, we have just released DefCon 1. However, we should do nothing rash for which we cannot make up after. Though for this case we have our plans in the drawer and we will initiate the discussed countermeasures, but up to now we know nothing about their technological possibilities. Our experts are already with us and we discuss our possibilities now, but, ... Now this is not really necessary, Mr. prime minister... Well, if you insist, then she can become active with us as a liaison officer. But how she can come here to ..., Γ€hh... us from Moscow, the airspace stands currently under the control of the strangers. What do you mean? She would have certain abilities...?"

Suddenly all could ascertain a sort of smoke streamed out from the mouthpiece of the phone and then in the direction of the floor. From there it grew slowly upward and all could recognize the outlines of a person who won relatively fast in shape.

When the process was concluded, an about 30 year-old black-hairy woman dressed in the typical uniform of a colonel of the Russian guard battalion stood before the president.

"Tamara Svetlana of the Russian mutant corps Mr. President, to your special disposal!" she saluted on.


Cheyenne Mountain trip one

The 19th of December 2012 was a wonderful day. This year, it had not snowed and at all Christmas cheer do not wanted to arise. I decided to take an extensive hike, in the one hand to become a little fitter, the pounds absolutely had to leave and on the other hand to relax, in order after the strenuous seminars which I led in the university of Denver together with Robert Stencel. Together we had provided in the university the scientific work within the abstract to the "Infrared observations of the system Epsilon Aurige during its coverage".

And because I worked for some time in Denver and also lived there, an excursion to close Cheyenne Mountains was no real problem. So packed up travelling shoes and equipment, thrown in the van, briefly about the route 87 and 85 annealed, past Colorado Springs and then with Woodland park right into the free nature of the mountains. All in all, I could reach this 89 miles within in just only three-quarter hours.

For my hike, I estimated approx. 5 days, so that I could celebrate Christmas in 24st again at home in Denver.

From the Woodland park I walked to the east, direction Rampart reservoir, to a marvelous reservoir in which you could ideal fish and paddle by the boat. However, this time afterwards was not to me. In this time the facilities were closed and of course the park management did not want that you camped there outside. However, there was no snow and where there is no plaintiff, there is no judge. At least I could discover no one who should prevent me from. So I spent the night there. The next morning the sun rose beaming and I could not anticipate yet which basic changes came up for my life there to me. Cheerfully I packed up my equipment and marched on to wide direction of east. Now the area became more precipitous and more difficult, however, with my GPS module I could ascertain any time where I was and the ways were written up clearly. I wandered through the woods, happily songs humming, ate my brought food and further walked on. 

The next day I spent the night in Stanley Reservoir, also a small, but fine reservoir. At this night I could not sleep, threw me unilaterally on the other, believed lights by my tent to see walking, quiet showers often heard rushing and also other peculiar noises.

In the morning of the next day, the weather was not the best, but I wanted one day still wide walking. The panorama was to be described really only with the words "huge". However, after my departure around approx. 6am I could conceive more peculiarly shows with my radio no more day news, it became apparent only more a constant rushing. However, shaking or to beating to the next stone helped nothing, the rushing remained. 

Shaking the head, I went on, however, but far I did not come. Since all at once I saw four F18 jets appearing between the mountains in the east and disappearing again with big din in the west. Well, this was nothing unusual, because nearby was an air base, some whispered even of THE famous infamous area 51. 

However, five minutes later I could hear the same jets howling the engines in afterburner's mode, and then I could see them already there ... and behind them I could ascertain numerous of small black wingless objects, thus from five to ten which I could not identify. A new secret weapon of the US-Airforce which carried out a false aerial battle here against the traditional jets? With the hand over the eyes, I tried to be able to recognize better to the coming details of the Dog-Fights. Than all at once red-yellow ray bundles freed from numerous black missiles and hit into the four F18 jets. And then first silent explosions passed the airplanes. After a few seconds the sound of the explosions came to me and the pressure of the explosion threw me to the ground. I gasped and was torn by the pressure of the blast coming afterwards to ground and fell down from my raised position to a medium precipitous slope. When I settled down after some meters again, my first thought was, do I have broken anything to me? Since only here in the middle of the wilderness an injury was ordinarily deadly. However, then I twitched with the shoulders, I had my mobile phone with me and therefore nothing to fear. A short phone call and one would fetch me, with some problems for me and with a not unimportant administrative expenditure, but...

...But the mobile phone could possibly have been damaged by the fall. A cold shiver flashed across my back. I reached to my phone. No, the display still lighted up and registered, no mistake. Indeed, there I could read "no mobile network"! This was unusual, because I could see a satellite mast on the other mountain slope. 

... No... no... only not this jet. I jumped up and tried to get a net in with numerous movements here and there. However, nothing, no net... I... would become... However, then I understood, my action was absolutely pointless. Since if I could walk around like a lunatic and look for a net, I could not have broken essentially. 

Tired on account of my unconventional strange thoughts, I sat down and recapitulated my experiences. The US Air force jets were attacked and were shot down by black missiles. I could establish no communication with the civilization, my mobile phone, as well as my radio did not function, also my GPS got no signals as I had to ascertain meanwhile. I was alone therefore in the wilderness and lost, meanwhile the world as well as I knew, maybe did not exist further more...

My look wandered around in the area, maybe I could find parts of the shot airplanes or maybe even one of the pilots, although I made no more hope to myself after the explosions so far.

However, then I saw something else, a light incision in the rock and there glittered something which looked in possibly like metal. I picked up my utensils and marched towards this incision. And really, there was metal. It looked like an oversized beer can which was sunk to 90 percent in the ground and which had on top a close lid.

I tried it and really the lid can be easily opened. Inside I could discover a ladder from the steel clips which led far down. My communication devices still did not function, and I knew something was wrong, as wrong as it could only be anyway.

I left my backpack out, but I took the flashlight, some provisions and my mobile phone. It went far down, to least 100 meters, then I bumped into a long corridor stretched in both directions how I could recognize in the light of my flashlight. I decided to go to the east. After approx. 50 meters I came to a crossroad, however, I followed up unimpressed my present way.

But I did not come far, because suddenly I felt a metal object in my strip area. "Hands in the neck, legs apart and no other movements!" I became beaten from the top to the bottom. "Who are you, where are your papers and what do you want here?" Startled I gasped on, however, nevertheless, alertly I could still answer "In my left breast pocket, I am a professor for physics at the university of Denver and my name is Charles Turner.", I answered.


Egypt three

Around him was only the blackness of nothingness, the nothingness flirted with him, dribbled round him, and he also was himself this nothingness. However, anyhow he felt no fear of this state, on the contrary an incredible feeling of happiness flowed through him, everything was so light, so wonderfully light and carefree, no discomfort, no pain, no abandonment being, no feeling of the faint, only joy, security and luck. Since this was he nothingness, the singularity of the being. 

Nonsense, there could not be this, because if he was the nothingness how he could remember then that he would be the nothingness. Because the nothingness is merely the absence of something. If he was existent, then it was so and he could not be just the nothingness. "Cogito ergo sum" came to his mind suddenly. He did not know from where and whom he had these words and also not what they meant, but they seemed sensible to him at this moment. And the nothingness could also not dribble round him, because where from came this marvelous rest which flowed through infinite feeling of happiness him, also this had to stream from the outside on him. So also this was not right.

"OK," he thought "I am not the nothingness, but am either in complete darkness, or, however, I can see nothing by my eyes, or, however...", the events of the last few seconds came to him to the sense. The terrible blow and then... "Oh, I see, then I am dead. Thus looks out on the other side. You see nothing, hear nothing, however, but you are happy." Nevertheless, he gave himself on account of these views, however, no troubles, because the feeling of happiness illuminated everything.

Boiiiiiiiiiing........ Boiiiiiiiiiing........ Boiiiiiiiiiing........

Several gong beating let him shake. All at once he saw a long way off a white point which flew on him. A white point? However, this disturbed the order of the black, the symmetry of the universe! However, all this was irrelevant, because he noticed that from there the feeling of happiness was emitted. And all of a sudden, a little bit came to him to his thoughts. Not the point came up to him, but he was drawn by this point. Although this was physically of complete Bullshit. Since without reference point one could not find out whether one moves himself towards something, or however whether the thing moves towards one. On the other hand, where from all over the world he had this knowledge... he did not know it.

He had the feeling that the suction became stronger and stronger, the point became slowly bigger and bigger and illuminated everything. And now thus he could find out that he moved not

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