American library books Β» Drama Β» Keep quiet by Chalen D. (best books to read in your 20s txt) πŸ“•

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we walked in. for a small space there sure where a lot of people. luke was in the midle of a anamaited story, throwing and waving his hands in the air, while his audiance, was doubbled over laughing. he quikly waved to us and went back to his story. luce went over to the snack table, and i looked around. my eyes met with a boy standing in the corner. he wore all black. he had rather dirty blonde hair or light brown. he smiled softly and then disapeared. i sat down with the rest of luke's audiance but didn't really pay atention. once the party thined out i went back to my room. luce flopped on her bed and fell asleep. i crawled under the covers and closed my eyes. i woke up and looked at the clock. 3:11. "belle?" luce asked. "yeah?" i said. she continued to look at the roof. "do you ever wonder if you've been adopted cause your so different from your family?" she asked. "yeah," i said, pulling my arms out of the blanket. "me too." she said. "sometimes i used to pretend that my real parents are coming for me." she said. "yeah? how's that working out for you, luce?" i asked. "it's just fantisy, belle." she said. she sat up. "want to sneek down to the kitchen and make some hot coco?" she asked. "sure." i said. we put pillows in our place and went to the kitchen. after we made the hot coco, we went to the lounge where a fire was still lit. i looked out the window where little snow flakes began to fall. " how long have you been here?" i asked. "scince the ninth grade." she said. i took a drink. we drank the coco, and then snuck back to our room. we got ready for the day, and went to the mess hall. we got our food and sat with luke and gabe. we bumped fists with gabe. "so, why wasn't i invited to your little pow wow?" luke asked. "huh?" luce and i asked. "little lucinda and maybelle, best friends." he said. " you could of came and sat with us instead of just watching, you freak." i said. luce and gabe laughed. yes he laughed. a gaurd walked by. i looked back to the mess hall, and watched the camras move. so they where mostion actavated. jack came over and sat down. "hey kids." he said. "hey, jack," luke said. gabe nodded and luce waved. "so, you guys being cool, too maybelle?" he asked. "yeah, man, she's cool." luke said.
he brang out a leather box. luce scooted away from me, and the boys looked down. he opened it, and i saw a black leather band. "for the first week your here, you have to wear this. it tracks your process and sees where you are. if you freak out or get into a fight with someone, it shocks you." jack said. he picked it up, and i held out my wrist. he snaped it in place. "if you try to take it off it will also shock you." he said. he closed the box smiled and left. i stared at the leather band. "don't get to angry or it will go off." luce said. "it you hit something it will go off." luke said. "can they do this?"i asked. "no one said, they couldn't." luce said. i looked up and came eye to eye with the boy, brown hair and light brown eyes, which looked warm. i looked down. "look you might want to stay away. from andy." gabe said. we all looked at him. "just saying." he said. "he's crazy belle, stay away." luke said, putting a couple of braids behind his ear. "thanks." i said. snow had covered everything, making us have to push the snow off the benches and tables frezzing our fingers in the process. the trees where leaveless, and the sky was a odd gray. "Maybelle, Monroe, come to the front office please." a speaker said. i picked up my bag. "i'll bring your food back to the room." luce said. i thanked her and walked to the front office. a woman pointed to a door, and i went in. A woman with red hair maybe 40 sat in a chair. "maybelle, sit please." she said. she turned her back on me and continued to talk on the phone. as i sat down i saw my file.
'mother claims talking to maybelle is like talking to a wall at points.'
below it where severil manetal deseases. one was circled in red pen.
Schizophrenia (/ˌskΙͺtsɡˈfrΙ›niΙ™/ or /ˌskΙͺtsɡˈfriːniΙ™/) is a mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes and by poor emotional responsiveness.[1] It most commonly manifests itself as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction. The onset of symptoms typically occurs in young adulthood, with a global lifetime prevalence of about 0.3–0.7%.[2] Diagnosis is based on observed behavior and the patient's reported experiences.
the woman spun around in her chairand i flew back onto the leather couch. " hi i'm maggie. i'll be dealing with your case." she said. "am i crazy?" i asked. "of course you aren't." she said. "sometimes i think i am." i said. she grabbed a note book and a pen. "why?" she asked. "cause my mom says i am." i said. "when you hear something non stop it kinda gets burned into your brain." i said. "how does that make you feel?" she asked. "confused." i said. "why?" she asked. "when people say they're confused it means they don't know." i said. she smiled, which only made me mad, and wrote something. "do you think people are out to get you?" she asked. i nodded. "sometimes, and sometimes i think people can read my mind, but then i remind myself that, that stuff doesn't really happen." i said. "good." she said. "is there something wrong with me?" i asked. " your differnt then others." she said. i looked at my hands. different. the word i hated the most. "why are you silent?" she asked. silent. the second word i hated the most. i shrugged my shoulders. "every monday wedsday and sunday, i want you to come see me, thoughs will be your tharapy days." she said. i nodded, picked up my bag and left. the boy with light brown hair stood from a bench and went into the room. i went to my room and ate the rest of my food. i walked around and saw a music room, i looked in and saw gabe. he and an acustic guitar pluged into a amp. i went into the room, quietly. he sat on a chair and played the guitar. "love of mine one day you will die, but i'll be close behind. i'll follow you into the dark," he sang. his voice was like gold, his playing godliy. i was in complete awe. he sang the rest of the song and jumped into another. i quietly left the room, and went to the pool area. it was in door and the roof was made of glass. luce lay on a chaise sun bathing. i walked over and sat in the chair next to her. "hey, belle." she said. "hey luce." i said. my mind went back to how gabe skillfully held and played the guitar. "you know not everyone is crazy that goes here." she said, interrupting my thoughts. "yeah?" i asked. "yep." she said, putting head phones into her ears. i went back to my room layed on my bed put in some ear phones and blasted music. i opened my eyes as the door opened. i sat up and went to the door. the hall was empty. i looked down and saw a blue flolded pice of paper. i picked it up, and read it.
you're not crazy. if only you knew the truth, just hang in there for awhile longer, and i'll explain everything.
i closed my door, and sat on my bed. i kept reading the note. luce came in with wet hair and a towle. "i'm going to lukes room, he need me for something." she said, with an eye roll. i got irratated with the note. i focused my anger on a wall mirror. it started to shake and then it flew off the wall and across the room. i stood up. "i'm not crazy i'm not crazy!" i said. i ran from my room, not closing the door. i ran down the hall around the courner and into andy's arms. he tightened his arms around me. "it's ok." he said. i didn't even know him, but i felt safer than i've ever been. i hid my face in his leater jaket. he held me at arms length. "what happened?" he asked. "i'm not crazy." i said. "i know you're not, may, what happened?" he said. "why'd you call me may?" i asked. he looked confused. "Only
my brother called me that." i said i backed away from him. "Γ­ thought you go by may." he said. "i go by belle. never may." i said. i walked away from him. i went to the lounge. "there you are i was looking for you. you have mail." jack said. "thanks." i said. i looked at the address and ripped it open. i unfolded the letter and a golden charm braclet fell out.
i heard about them sending you to that school. what kind of parent does that? i miss you, and think about you every single day. what the hell am i supoused to to in forks with out my PIC? we turn 18 in 6 months and i promise i'm coming to get you. i have this website called chat n' meet. you can talk to freinds and meet new freinds, it's going really well. i made you an account so we could talk. your email is Maymonroeisawsome@ your pass word is, mayandjonahforever. i sure do miss you sis. a lot. get on soon so we can talk. there's also a video chat. damn, i wish i was there to save you, what kinda big twin am i? i know i know, your probably saying that it wasn't my fault and there was nothing you could do. you are saying that right? hahaha! i love you may, can't wait to talk to you. when we turn 18 where going to leave, i promise. i'm kinda rich know. not to brag or anything. untill then ask me for anything you want. i reaserched the school, and it says i can send you what ever i want, as long as it's something that wont interfere with your recovery. Listen to me Maybelle, you are not crazy. mom and darren just don't get you. i wish dad got custody of you too, when they divorced. just remember your not crazy and what ever you do, i'm on your side. even if the thing you chose is wrong i'll be right there with you. i'll fall with you or help you up. you know whatever, you need. i'm sorry i can be there with you. i wish i could. i love you. i miss you. go get on line now! i don't care how late it is when you get this.
i held the letter to my chest. "it's not your fault
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