American library books Β» Drama Β» Keep quiet by Chalen D. (best books to read in your 20s txt) πŸ“•

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open the door. this was not a guest bedroom. this was a bedroom desined with things i liked. did they think i would ever come here? i took a shower and sat on the bench below the baywindow and called her. "hello?" she asked. "hi mom." i said. "sweety! hey, when are you coming home for vacation?" she said. "i am home." i said. "what?" she asked, with a laugh. "mom, i'm not coming home." i said. "why not?" she asked. "look don't get mad at me. your the one that wanted to get rid of me in the first place." i said. "no," she began. "don't say that it's just another lie. i'm where i want to be can't you just be happy for me?" i asked. "where are you?" she demanded. "i'm not that stupid." i told her. "You are so crazy!" she said. "you say that a lot." i siad. "honey," she said. "bye mom." i said. i hung up the phone. "goodnight sweety." dad said. i got off of the bench and hugged him. "i want to come home daddy." i said. i held my tears back, perfectly. "i'll do everything i can." he said. he kissed my forehead and went to his study. i opened my window and crawled out on to the roof. "here." jonah said. he layed out a blanket and we layed down looking at the stars, like we did as kids when our parents fought. "you know your not crazy." he said. "why do you keep sayin that?" i asked. "cause maybe if i say it enough you'll beleive it." he said. "i love you jonah." i said. "i love you maybelle. a lot." he said. "i don't know what i'd do with out you." he said. "i won't kill myself." i said. "i'm happy here." i said. "i'm glad." he said. i took his hand. "me too." i said. untill four in the morning we stayed on the roof chatching up on the 5 years, that we had missed about eachothers life. jonah ended up with a big dislike for mom, and i decided that jace was ok, and way better than darren. at least jace wouldn't tell dad to put jonah in my school. not that dad would listen to her. we climbed through the window and went to sleep. i was shaken awake. "hon, your mom is on the phone." dad said. "hello?" i asked. "i'm coming to get you." she said. "i'm happy can't you just leave me be?" i asked. "you will come back with me." she said. "or what? don't threaten me i'm so sick of you." i said. dad took the phone from me. "listen here." he said, leaving my room. i went to the kitchen. jace was dressed in a white dress, and a yellow flower apron. "hey honey! want some waffles?" she asked. "i love waffles." i said. "good. what kind? apple, bannana, blueberry, rasberry, strawberry." she said. "i'll take strawberry, thanks." i said. "sure, no problem." she said. i sat down and jonah came into the kitchen he sat down and put his head on the table. "the usual, jo?" she asked. "yes, please." he said. she set out food down. "drinks?" she asked, going to the frige. "peachtea." jonah said. "me too." i said. she set down our cups. "thanks." we said, at the same time making us all laugh. she made some for her and dad, and we sat down as a family, and ate. this might not be the perfect family, far from it even, but at least everyone here is trying. " so, i thought that i could take maybelle shopping today. you can take jonah to the music store. "
jace said. my dad nodded. "would you like that maybelle?" she asked. "sure." i said. we got ready and hit mellrose way. a girl bumped shoulders with me. we turned. "luce!" i said. "belle!" she yelled, throughing her arms around me. "belle." luke said. "hey." i said. hugging him. i bumped fists with gabe. "this is jace, my dad's girlfriend." i said. they shook her hand. even gabe, switched from his move to a shake. "luce, is my room mate back at the school. luke and gabe, are our best friends, we all look out for eachother." i said. "oh, well, i have to get to the office soon, so do you want to go shopping with them?" she asked. "are you sure?" i asked. "yeah. we can go shopping another time." she said she handed me a card, and then kissed my cheek. she walked off to the car. "who's hungry?" i asked. they all agreed. we went out to lunch and then went back to melrose. we went to everyshop, sometimes doing a fasion show. even the boys droped their hard rep, and joined in. let's just say that i had a blast, and we where closer than ever. we where sitting on a bench outside of a store. "i wish we could just stay here forever." i said. "guys?" luke asked. "what is it?" luce asked. "my dad found out about the bands, and he's taking me out of the school. he told them he has the money to take care of me privatly." he said. "wait what?" i asked. "me too." gabe said. "we can't just be torn apart." i said. "my mom's doing the same." she said. "so i'll be alone." i said. "not really. you said your mom put you in there right?" gabe said. i nodded. "my dad put me in there, and my mom said, she has the money to deal with me and they're relseing me to her. even though she doesn't have custody of me. it takes a week, so you better tell your dad to hurry." gabe said. "and me and luce will stay an extra week, so we can all be together." luke said. " yeah, and then we can all go to school, together, jonah too," luce said. "you guys think you can give me a ride home?" i asked. "sure." gabe said. we all got into gabe's car and we drove to my house. gabe pushed the botton on the box. "jeff." i said. "mistress Maybell, welcome home." he said. the gates opened and we drove in. "dad! i think you'll want to hear this." i said. luce sank down on the red leather couch. "I am so getting one of these in my room." she said. luke sat with her. "dad, this is gabe, he can help. luce luke that's the kitchen make yourselfs at home." i said. they looked at each other and jumped off the couch runing to the kitchen, the swinging door flying behind them. we went into my dads office. gabe told him everything he knew. my dad called the school, and put it on speaker phone. "main streem high school, how may i help you?" a woman asked. "yes. i'm looking to refer to my daughters case." he said. "name?" the woman asked. "Maybelle Monroe." he said. "ah yes she was put in here by her mother." the woman said. "yes i know, i have the means to get her help privatly." he said. " are you trying to get coutody of her? i need her case number." the woman said. "it should be in her files i sent the pappers to court yesterday." he said. he was trying to get coustody of me? "oh here it is. alright, well we'll have to wait a week for the custody pappers to go though, and then i'll give her to you." the woman said. "thank you." he said, haning up. "i didn't know about that part." gabe said. "it's ok, i have enough dirt on gale to put her away." my dad said. "you did good." he said, to gabe. they bumbed fists. "would you guys like to stay for dinner?" he asked. "sure. but luke and luce might of already cleaned out your fridge." gabe said. we laughed and went to the kitchen. "yo, your brother is the shit!" luke said. "yeah, belle, why'd you never tell us about him?" she asked. "i did, you weren't listening." i said. all three of them had a bowl of ice cream. "you guys want to stay for dinner?" i asked. "yeah sure. what are we having?" luke asked. we all looked at my dad. " home made fryed chicken, and potato salad." he said. "and something remotly healthy." jace said, kissing my dad. "guys i want to show you something." jonah said. we flollowed him to the bacement. "whoa." luce said. luke picked up a bass guitar. gabe picked up a guitar and amired it with a smile. luce got some drum sticks and sat at the drums. i ran my hand over the gray mic. gabe began to play a song. luke quickly picked up the song and added his bass as luce beat the drums. jonah picked up his guitar and joined in. they all had smiles on there faces. "come on belle!" gabe yelled. i got infront of the mic. "roberts got a quick hand. he'll look around the room, but he wont tell you his plans. he's got a rolled cigarette, hanging out of his mouth, he's a cowboy kid, yeah he found a six shooter gun. in his dad's closet hidden in a box of fun things i don't even know what, but he's coming for you yeah he's coming for you." i sang. "all the other kids with the pummed up kicks you better run better run out run my gun. all the other kids with the pummed up kicks you better run better run faster than my bullet. all the other kids with the pummed up kicks you better run better run out run my gun. all the other kids with the pummed up kicks you better run better run faster than my bullet." we all sang. we stopped playing and looked at eachother. "yo that is sick." luke said, hitting gabe's fist. "we should start a band," jonah said. "yeah, i'm in all the way." luce said. "me too," luke said. "i'm there." gabe said. they all looked at me. "i'm in." i said, although it sounded like a question. "yes!" luke said. "we need a name." luce said. "the survivors." me and jonah said. we all put our hands together. "the survivors!" we yelled. "whoo!" luke said. we all laughed. we might have problems everyone of us. but like i said, doing the things we love, help us stay alive, grounded even. "food!" dad yelled. we all sat out side. "this is awsome, Mr. m." luke said. "it really is." gabe said. i liked how gabe was talking more. "so i heard you guys playing." jace said. "what did you think?" we all asked. she laughed. "your good, way good." she said. "we started a band." jonah said. "really?" dad asked. "yeah, the survivors." luce said. " i like the name." he said. "jonah and belle, thought of it." gabe said. "well, then to the survivors!" dad said. we all cheered and drank our soda. "so i was thinking, that once we have at least five songs, we can go play at the park." i said. "good idea, i know how to get the word out." jonah said. "i can ask my dad if i can spend the night." luce said. "me too." luke said. "i'll asked my mom." gabe said. they all texted their parents. "it's a go." luke said. "i'm in." luce said. "it's fine." gabe said. "okay so right after dinner we can go to the bacement and work on it. you guys worry about the music and i'll worry about the lyrics." i said. they all agreed. we went to the bacement. everything was going smoothly. they had music playing and i had absoultley no lyrics. god.
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