Keep quiet by Chalen D. (best books to read in your 20s txt) π

Excerpt from the book:
maybelle's parent got a divorce, and they split up maybelle and her twin joanah. the mom puts her in a school for crazy people, where she meets luce the bulimic gabe the withdrawn one, and luke, the personality disorder. maybelle get's in contact with her dad, and he trys to get her out of there. gabe, who has said only two sentences to her might be her only way out.
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- Author: Chalen D.
Read book online Β«Keep quiet by Chalen D. (best books to read in your 20s txt) πΒ». Author - Chalen D.
jonah." i said. i put on the bracelet and ran to my room, not caring about the mirror. i got my lap top and logged in.
may: JONAH!
jonah: MAY! OH MY GOD!
may: I MISS YOU!
I clicked the request and jonah came up. i smiled and waved. he smiled the smile i love most and waved back. "hi." he said. "oh, well look at you mister deep voice." i said. he laughed. "your hair is different." he said. "i cut it and it grew back brown." i said. "you look beuatiful, may." he said. "nice to know someone thinks that." i said. he leaned in. "don't listen to thoughs people may, come on now, your smarter than that." he said. "do you beleive in people being able to move things with their minds?" i asked. "yes." he said. "why?" i asked. "cause i can do it." he said. "good. then i'm not crazy." i said. "no your not, wait, can you so it to?" he asked. i nodded. "don't tell anyone, they'll put you in a loney bin, and never let you out." he said. "so what's going on over there?" i asked. "right. so dad got a new job, it pays big bucks. we live in forks right now cause of a bussines trip, and i'll tell you may i'm going nuts." he said. i laughed. " anyway, we live in hollywood and we should be back two days before christmas vacation. and dad got a new grilfreind." he said. "what? shut up?" i said. "i shit you not." he said. "jonah." a girl said. "i'm talking to my sister." he said. "oh sorry, your dad want's you." she said. "well tell him it will have to wait, whatever he want's me too do is less important than me talking to maybelle." he said. the door closed. "that was her, her name's jace, and i think they're getting serious." he said. "how?" i asked. "they're always together." he said. "belle?" i looked over. "oh hey luke." i said. "i need your help." he said. "what happened?" i asked. "it's luce. she drowned." he said. "what!" i yelled. i picled up my lap top and ran to the pool. "gabe talk to my brother." i said, shoving my lap top at him. i knelt down next to luce. "when did you find her?" i asked. "just now." he said. "she's breathing." i said. i started with CPR. "It's not working." i said. "don't give up may!" jonah said. gabe turned the lap top so i could see him. "remember that summer when gillie fell into the pool? you didn't give up them. save her." he said. i continued. "luke go get help." i said. he ran. "you can do this may, just keep clam." jonah said. she coffed but she didn't open her eyes. "luce can you hear me?" i asked. "lucinda!" i said. two medical tecs. came with a gurny. luke picked me up and held me. they put luce on a gurny and rolled her away. we all stared at the door, after it closed. "i'll let you go." jonah said. the screen went dark. i got out of lukes arms and ran out the door. "belle! you don't know where your going Maybelle!" he yelled. i ran to the front desk. never in my life have i ever been so scared. time to face the truth. i cared for luce and she was here to stay. "where's the infermary?" i asked. "down the hall to the right." the woman said. i went to the front desk. "lucinda karren." i said. "oh yes she's under treatment." the man said. "well, i mean is she going to live?" i asked. "her condition is very bad." he said. i went to the wall and sat down. "don't die. please don't die." i said. "miss?" the man said. i began to rock. "we have a code seven." the man siad into a speaker. six men came out and over to me. "don't touch me!" i yelled. they picked me up and i thrashed in there arms. "i want to see luce!" i yelled. "get the saringe!" someone yelled. "don't stick that in me!" i yelled. "maybelle." someone said. it was jack. "you have to calm down do you think you can do that for me?" he asked. "put me down!" i yelled. "can you calm down?" he asked. "let me go!" i yelled, still thrashing. "shoot her up." jack said. i felt a prick and it was lights out. when i woke up i was strapped to a bed. i started to feak out. A large hand covered mine. "don't freak out, they'll shoot you up again." he said. i looked over. "andy?" i asked. "i'm here." he said. i griped his hand. "where's luce please tell me she made it." i said. "i don't know." he said. i layed back. "how you feeling?"he asked. "like a peach." i said. luke ran in. "she's okay! she's alive, she's just in a comma." he said. "luke." i said. he ran to me and took my hand. "belle, are you okay?" he asked. "why am i here?" i asked. "they shot you up cause you freaked." he said. "why didn't the band work?" i asked. "it did. maybelle you didn't feel it." andy said. "can i get up?" i asked. i don't know." luke said, leaving to get someone. "what are you doing here?" i asked. "do you want me to leave?" he asked. i tightened my grip on his hand. "no." i said. "can you do me a favor?" i asked. "Get your lap top?" he asked putting it on my stomach. "gabe gave it to me." he said. "some guy named jonah is worried sick, about you, after gabe told him." he said. "who's jonah?" he asked. "can you open my lap top and sign in please?' i asked. he did and jonah popped up. "MAY! what happened?" he asked. "nothing i'm okay." i said. my dad came on. "daddy?" i asked. "they can't shock you like that, maybelle. i'm coming to get you." he said. "you can't mom singed a form only she can get me out, or i can get myself out at 18." i said. "where are you?" he asked. "straped to a bed." i said. "Jace? where's the phone?" he asked. he dissapered and jonah came back on. "i'll explain everything tomorrow. adny shut the lap top." i said. "may!" jonah said, before andy shut it. the nurse came over. "are you calm?" she asked. "can i see luce now?" i asked. she unstraped me and i followed luke to her room. she layed on a bed all hooked up. i took her hand. "luce, can you hear me?" i asked. her frightened eyes flew open, and she gripped my hand. "belle, get me out of here please." she begged. a doctor came in. looks like your all right." he said. "you'll have to stay the night though." he said. he unpluged her, and left. i took my shoes off and climbed in with her. she layed her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. "thank you." she said. "always." i said. luke slept in the other bed, and gabe slept on the leather couch that was in there. i thought that it was amazing that three differnt teen's from different backrounds and different problems, that we could all come together for our friend when she was scared and felt alone. even though i didn't want to, i had made friends. lucus gaberel lucinda and maybelle, friends, in this thing together untill we got better. we all sat down under the tree for breakfast. "so you guys ready to go home for winter break?" luke asked. "we go home?" i asked. "yep." luce said. "i need to talk to the councler." i said. i went to her. "so how's your school work going?" she asked. "good, instead of going home can you send me to my dads?" i asked. "that can be aranged." she said. "i'll just type in a few things, and; there, your set. we'll drive you to the air port and you'll get on the first flight to hollywood." she said. i packed my clolthes, and got into a black limo. luce gabe and luke got in. "what are you guys doing?' i asked. "we all live in hollywood." luke said. "no way, we have to hang out." i said. "yeah, we'll show you all the cool places to be." luce said. once we arived at the airport we extranged numbers and hugged. we got in different cars, and drove to our houses. my dad's house was gray with the same black iron gates. we buzzed in. "name?" the gate keeper asked. "maybelle." i said. the gates opened and we drove in the driver dropped me off and then left. "look, all i'm saying is the first chance i get i'm taking my daughter." my dad said. "yeah, she doesn't deserve mom she's better than that." jonah said. "so why are we waiting?" a girl asked. "her mother, singed a paper and won't take maybelle out. she said, maybelle is crazy and she belongs there." my dad said. "how can you say that about your baby?" the girl asked. "she awlays says it." i said. coming into the kitchen and setting my bag on the counter. the kitchen was a five star kitchen. "may!" jonah yelled. he jumped off of the island stool and ran too me. he picked me up and spun me around. "AIR!" i said. he put me down, but still held me. once he let go my dad hugged me. "hi, daddy." i said. "hi bells." he said. "how'd you get here?" jonah asked. "they let us go home for the holidays." i said. "how long are you staying?" dad asked. "two weeks, and then i have to go back. "jade." he said. i hugged jonah again. "take maybelle's things to her room." he said. "i'm so happy to be here you have no idea." i said. "i'm maybelle." i said. "i'm jacelynn." she said, shaking my hand. "do you have a bathing suit?" jonah asked. "yeah." i told him. hand and pulled me to french doors. "you have to check this out." he said. he showed me the pool. "whoa." i said. "i really miss you may." he said. i pulled him into a hug. "i miss you joanah." i told him, holding back tears. "how about burgars for lunch!" dad called. "deffenitly." i said. me and jonah changed and went swimming while dad bbqed and jace made potato salad and baked potatos. "come and get it!" dad called. we sat outside and ate our food. "bells does your mom know your here?" dad asked. "no." i said. he gave me the phone. "i hate to be the bad guy, but call her." he said. "after dinner." i siad. "deal." he said. "i love you bells. i'm going to do whatever i can to get you out of that school." he said. "i love you too." i said. "why are you there?" jace asked. we all looked at her. "oh no, i didn't mean that to be rude, it's just you don't seem crazy." she said. "cause she's not." jonah said. we ate the rest of the food talking about plans. i told them i had to be plan free on friday through sunday, so i could hand with luke gabe and luce. i went to my room. i pushed
may: JONAH!
jonah: MAY! OH MY GOD!
may: I MISS YOU!
I clicked the request and jonah came up. i smiled and waved. he smiled the smile i love most and waved back. "hi." he said. "oh, well look at you mister deep voice." i said. he laughed. "your hair is different." he said. "i cut it and it grew back brown." i said. "you look beuatiful, may." he said. "nice to know someone thinks that." i said. he leaned in. "don't listen to thoughs people may, come on now, your smarter than that." he said. "do you beleive in people being able to move things with their minds?" i asked. "yes." he said. "why?" i asked. "cause i can do it." he said. "good. then i'm not crazy." i said. "no your not, wait, can you so it to?" he asked. i nodded. "don't tell anyone, they'll put you in a loney bin, and never let you out." he said. "so what's going on over there?" i asked. "right. so dad got a new job, it pays big bucks. we live in forks right now cause of a bussines trip, and i'll tell you may i'm going nuts." he said. i laughed. " anyway, we live in hollywood and we should be back two days before christmas vacation. and dad got a new grilfreind." he said. "what? shut up?" i said. "i shit you not." he said. "jonah." a girl said. "i'm talking to my sister." he said. "oh sorry, your dad want's you." she said. "well tell him it will have to wait, whatever he want's me too do is less important than me talking to maybelle." he said. the door closed. "that was her, her name's jace, and i think they're getting serious." he said. "how?" i asked. "they're always together." he said. "belle?" i looked over. "oh hey luke." i said. "i need your help." he said. "what happened?" i asked. "it's luce. she drowned." he said. "what!" i yelled. i picled up my lap top and ran to the pool. "gabe talk to my brother." i said, shoving my lap top at him. i knelt down next to luce. "when did you find her?" i asked. "just now." he said. "she's breathing." i said. i started with CPR. "It's not working." i said. "don't give up may!" jonah said. gabe turned the lap top so i could see him. "remember that summer when gillie fell into the pool? you didn't give up them. save her." he said. i continued. "luke go get help." i said. he ran. "you can do this may, just keep clam." jonah said. she coffed but she didn't open her eyes. "luce can you hear me?" i asked. "lucinda!" i said. two medical tecs. came with a gurny. luke picked me up and held me. they put luce on a gurny and rolled her away. we all stared at the door, after it closed. "i'll let you go." jonah said. the screen went dark. i got out of lukes arms and ran out the door. "belle! you don't know where your going Maybelle!" he yelled. i ran to the front desk. never in my life have i ever been so scared. time to face the truth. i cared for luce and she was here to stay. "where's the infermary?" i asked. "down the hall to the right." the woman said. i went to the front desk. "lucinda karren." i said. "oh yes she's under treatment." the man said. "well, i mean is she going to live?" i asked. "her condition is very bad." he said. i went to the wall and sat down. "don't die. please don't die." i said. "miss?" the man said. i began to rock. "we have a code seven." the man siad into a speaker. six men came out and over to me. "don't touch me!" i yelled. they picked me up and i thrashed in there arms. "i want to see luce!" i yelled. "get the saringe!" someone yelled. "don't stick that in me!" i yelled. "maybelle." someone said. it was jack. "you have to calm down do you think you can do that for me?" he asked. "put me down!" i yelled. "can you calm down?" he asked. "let me go!" i yelled, still thrashing. "shoot her up." jack said. i felt a prick and it was lights out. when i woke up i was strapped to a bed. i started to feak out. A large hand covered mine. "don't freak out, they'll shoot you up again." he said. i looked over. "andy?" i asked. "i'm here." he said. i griped his hand. "where's luce please tell me she made it." i said. "i don't know." he said. i layed back. "how you feeling?"he asked. "like a peach." i said. luke ran in. "she's okay! she's alive, she's just in a comma." he said. "luke." i said. he ran to me and took my hand. "belle, are you okay?" he asked. "why am i here?" i asked. "they shot you up cause you freaked." he said. "why didn't the band work?" i asked. "it did. maybelle you didn't feel it." andy said. "can i get up?" i asked. i don't know." luke said, leaving to get someone. "what are you doing here?" i asked. "do you want me to leave?" he asked. i tightened my grip on his hand. "no." i said. "can you do me a favor?" i asked. "Get your lap top?" he asked putting it on my stomach. "gabe gave it to me." he said. "some guy named jonah is worried sick, about you, after gabe told him." he said. "who's jonah?" he asked. "can you open my lap top and sign in please?' i asked. he did and jonah popped up. "MAY! what happened?" he asked. "nothing i'm okay." i said. my dad came on. "daddy?" i asked. "they can't shock you like that, maybelle. i'm coming to get you." he said. "you can't mom singed a form only she can get me out, or i can get myself out at 18." i said. "where are you?" he asked. "straped to a bed." i said. "Jace? where's the phone?" he asked. he dissapered and jonah came back on. "i'll explain everything tomorrow. adny shut the lap top." i said. "may!" jonah said, before andy shut it. the nurse came over. "are you calm?" she asked. "can i see luce now?" i asked. she unstraped me and i followed luke to her room. she layed on a bed all hooked up. i took her hand. "luce, can you hear me?" i asked. her frightened eyes flew open, and she gripped my hand. "belle, get me out of here please." she begged. a doctor came in. looks like your all right." he said. "you'll have to stay the night though." he said. he unpluged her, and left. i took my shoes off and climbed in with her. she layed her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. "thank you." she said. "always." i said. luke slept in the other bed, and gabe slept on the leather couch that was in there. i thought that it was amazing that three differnt teen's from different backrounds and different problems, that we could all come together for our friend when she was scared and felt alone. even though i didn't want to, i had made friends. lucus gaberel lucinda and maybelle, friends, in this thing together untill we got better. we all sat down under the tree for breakfast. "so you guys ready to go home for winter break?" luke asked. "we go home?" i asked. "yep." luce said. "i need to talk to the councler." i said. i went to her. "so how's your school work going?" she asked. "good, instead of going home can you send me to my dads?" i asked. "that can be aranged." she said. "i'll just type in a few things, and; there, your set. we'll drive you to the air port and you'll get on the first flight to hollywood." she said. i packed my clolthes, and got into a black limo. luce gabe and luke got in. "what are you guys doing?' i asked. "we all live in hollywood." luke said. "no way, we have to hang out." i said. "yeah, we'll show you all the cool places to be." luce said. once we arived at the airport we extranged numbers and hugged. we got in different cars, and drove to our houses. my dad's house was gray with the same black iron gates. we buzzed in. "name?" the gate keeper asked. "maybelle." i said. the gates opened and we drove in the driver dropped me off and then left. "look, all i'm saying is the first chance i get i'm taking my daughter." my dad said. "yeah, she doesn't deserve mom she's better than that." jonah said. "so why are we waiting?" a girl asked. "her mother, singed a paper and won't take maybelle out. she said, maybelle is crazy and she belongs there." my dad said. "how can you say that about your baby?" the girl asked. "she awlays says it." i said. coming into the kitchen and setting my bag on the counter. the kitchen was a five star kitchen. "may!" jonah yelled. he jumped off of the island stool and ran too me. he picked me up and spun me around. "AIR!" i said. he put me down, but still held me. once he let go my dad hugged me. "hi, daddy." i said. "hi bells." he said. "how'd you get here?" jonah asked. "they let us go home for the holidays." i said. "how long are you staying?" dad asked. "two weeks, and then i have to go back. "jade." he said. i hugged jonah again. "take maybelle's things to her room." he said. "i'm so happy to be here you have no idea." i said. "i'm maybelle." i said. "i'm jacelynn." she said, shaking my hand. "do you have a bathing suit?" jonah asked. "yeah." i told him. hand and pulled me to french doors. "you have to check this out." he said. he showed me the pool. "whoa." i said. "i really miss you may." he said. i pulled him into a hug. "i miss you joanah." i told him, holding back tears. "how about burgars for lunch!" dad called. "deffenitly." i said. me and jonah changed and went swimming while dad bbqed and jace made potato salad and baked potatos. "come and get it!" dad called. we sat outside and ate our food. "bells does your mom know your here?" dad asked. "no." i said. he gave me the phone. "i hate to be the bad guy, but call her." he said. "after dinner." i siad. "deal." he said. "i love you bells. i'm going to do whatever i can to get you out of that school." he said. "i love you too." i said. "why are you there?" jace asked. we all looked at her. "oh no, i didn't mean that to be rude, it's just you don't seem crazy." she said. "cause she's not." jonah said. we ate the rest of the food talking about plans. i told them i had to be plan free on friday through sunday, so i could hand with luke gabe and luce. i went to my room. i pushed
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