Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕

Brandon has had a troubled life ever since he found out who his mate was. Add a war, and tons of kids to that mixture and it's enough to make anyone insane. Join Brandon as he struggles to find the right in his wrong world.
This book is book 3 in the To Be Yours Series.
- Fated
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- Author: Anaya Phoenix
Read book online «Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕». Author - Anaya Phoenix
“Take care of my pup, Alpha, or I will come after you. Mate or no. If any harm comes to him, emotionally or other wise, you will die by my hands.” She growled to him, ignoring her mother’s warning growl. Then, with a second look to her son, she left the ‘looneybin’. Chapter 3
Brandon let go of little Aubrey and Lina and walked to Molly and Brandon.
“She’s not staying in the pack is she?” He asked and Molly shook her head.
“Get someone to go to their apartment and gather his clothes.” Thomas said, walking to the young boy who had just lost his mother. Brandon looked to Molly, who hadn’t taken her eyes off the door, and sighed.
“You gonna be Ok?” He asked her softly and she looked to him.
“My daughter just left in a flurry of tears and threats. Do you think I’m Ok?” She asked him sarcastically and he rolled his eyes.
“Flurry of tears and threats? Really?”
“What? I thought it was cool. She left Brandon, she left hurt and that’s my fault. I let my daughter down.” Molly looked down and rubbed her upper arm.
“She wasn’t really your daughter. If you think about it.” Brandon said, trying to make things lighter.
“Yes. She. Was.” Molly said through clenched teeth, her eyes snapping to amber, enunciating every word.
“No she wasn’t. You didn’t give birth to her, you didn’t nurse her. The only thing you did was feed her, give her a shelter, and clothe her.”
“Mother Moon didn’t give birth to you, she didn’t nurse you. The only thing she gave you was your life.” Molly said, crossing her arms and pursing he lips.
“You didn’t give her life.”
“I gave her a new one. A chance to start over and she thrived in it.” Brandon said nothing to that because he had nothing to say. She was right, but he wouldn’t say it. Not ever.
“That’s what I thought. I’m not cooking tonight, because I’m so emotional. Call the pizza place and get 10 meat lovers pizza, in case the pack comes over for another game night.” That would be the fifth game night this week. As he went to bade his Alpha’s wishes a thought zoomed to the front of his mind. Why aren’t I withdrawing?
Brandon watched as the Greene family ate in shock and silence. Cara hadn’t left JJ’s side since his mother left, and Molly hadn’t said anything at all.
“Lina, how’s the school play coming along?” Thomas asked, desperately trying to spark some life into his family.
“It’s pretty good. Most of the kids are really improving in their singing.” Lina said, picking at her pizza.
“By ‘improving on their singing’ she means she’s going to be the only one actually singing in that play. All the other kids are going to be lip synching their hearts out.” Jesse grumbled, making a laugh go around the room.
“I’m sure those children can sing beautifully.” Molly said, waving off Jesse’s comment.
“Yeah, if you call this singing.” Luna said, picking up her knife and scratching it on the plate. They all reached up an covered their ears. She smiled and nodded once, putting down her fork.
“That’s what I do too!” She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air in exasperation.
“Everyone has their own way of singing. Some do it real low, some do it real high. That’s just how the world works nowadays.” Molly explained, taking a bite out of her chicken wing.
“Rudolph da red nose reindeer. Had a really shiny nose. And if you ever saw him, you would even say it gwows. All of da reindeer used to laugh and cawed him names, dey never wet poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games. Den one stormy Christmas eve, Santa came to say ‘Rudolph wif your nose so bright, won’t you guide my sway tonight’. Den how de reindeers wuved him, as dey shouted out wif glee. Rudolph da red nose reindeer. You’ll go down in histowy!” Libby sang, standing on top of her cheer. For a little girl her voice sure was big.
“That was beautiful Libby, thank you.” Brandon said, making the little girls green eyes shoot to his.
“I was just trwying to show mommy how it was supposed to sound when you sing. Not wike da plates.” She said, blushing bashfully.
“You’ve got to remember Libby, most little three year olds don’t sound like that.” Alissa said softly, not trying to appear too harsh.
“Yeah. You only sound that way because you’re a Greene. Might have something to do with the wolf genes, but it’s most likely the Greene part.” Jesse added, making the table laugh. All, but one.
“You guys are so self centered. You don’t care about anybody but yourself. Even when it’s not about you, you have to weasel your way into it. You people make me sick.” JJ said, a look of pure disgust on his face.
“It was only a joke. Something used to make other’s laugh. If you got your head out of your butt, maybe you would know one when you heard one.” Jesse said, biting into his pizza seemingly without a care. But Brandon knew other wise. He saw how Jesse’s jaw tightened, and his eyes flashed amber quickly.
“I know a joke when I hear one. But I also know the difference between a jokester and a conceited person. You are the latter.”
“Who do you think you are?” Jesse asked, standing up and glaring down at his nephew. Alissa stood too, putting her hand on her twin’s shoulder.
“Jess, stop-“ Alissa tried to say, but was cut off when JJ stood up and glared at him.
“I think I’m the only one that actually makes sense out of the whole lot of you!” He growled, making Jesse snarl. It was one thing to insult a wolf, but insult his pack and he’s coming after you.
“You think you make sense!? Do you really think that!? Why don’t I inform you how much sense you actually make!” Jesse growled out to him, his fists forming hard balls by his side.
“Jesse, enough.” Cara said, standing up and throwing a pointed look at her brother. The only one of the eldest who hadn’t stood yet was Rosa, and she didn’t plan to. At least not yet.
“No, no. He thinks he makes sense. He doesn’t. You are the product of an accident, humans call it rape I believe. The only person who wanted to keep you was your mother, and that was because she wanted a kid and your dad didn’t. As soon as he found out, though, he left. You are the prime reason why your father isn’t around! It’s your fault that he left her! Your fault that she practically starved herself after he left! And your fault that she cries herself to sleep! Every night! Hoping and praying that your mistake, your ‘sense’ as you like to call it, would wear off and he would come back to her!” Jesse yelled, making everything still and time stop. Luna looked between the two then at Brandon. She shrugged and took a bite of pizza. Strange little girl, thought Brandon.
“Jesse.” Alissa growled, making everyone look to her. It was rare that Alissa lost her temper, and when it did that meant she was seriously ticked off.
“No. He makes sense out of the whole lot of us! He’s the screw up of all of us. Plain and simple. Our parents are still together, our parents still love each other. Can he say that about his? Wouldn’t that be the sensible thing to say.” Jesse defended, never taking his eyes off of his cousin.
“Jesse Greene. That is enough, you’ve gone too far this time. Too flipping far, he’s been hurt enough today!” Alissa yelled, finally getting her twin’s eyes to look at her.
“He insulted-“
“It doesn’t matter what he did, that doesn’t give you the right to hurt him like that. You’ve gone too far and you know you have!” She growled to him, punching him in the arm, hard.
“You went too far Jess.” Rosa said, done eating her pizza, while she got up and put her plate in the sink.
“Yes he insulted us, but that was too far. I wouldn’t even go that far Jess.” She told him, looking her brother in the eye. He clenched his jaw and shook his head.
“No, I’m right on this one. Every fight we’ve had, I’m the wrong one. All the time and I’m sick of it!! I’m sick of being the black sheep of this family just because I like to do certain things.”
“Black sheep is a little bit much Jesse.” Lina said, her lisp more prominent.
“Thank you Lina. Not black sheep, something a little less dramatic, but with the same effect. You’re not going to make me feel bad about sticking up for you guys!” Before he cold even get ‘guys’ out Alissa had punched him in the face, making him fall into his chair with his hand on his jaw.
“You went too far!!” She yelled at him, getting in his face so he could see the amber pits of her eyes. Brandon made eye contact with Thomas to see he was thinking the same thing as they both looked to Molly.
“SHUT UP, SIT DOWN, AND LISTEN UP!!” She growled out, making them all instantly follow her order.
“Emotions are running a bit high right now. I want everyone to go up to your rooms, take a shower and go to bed. In the morning we’ll see how everyone’s feeling then. Alright?” She wasn’t asking them, she was telling them exactly what she expected. If those expectations weren’t met then… Brandon shivered, not wanting to remember what happened last time.
By the time morning had arrived most of the children seemed to have forgotten about the night before. Not all of them did though. Jesse and Alissa sat on opposite sides of the room, both with equal faces of anger on. JJ sat in the living room, watching cartoons with the youngest. Well, he wasn’t exactly watching them, he was more staring intently at the television with blank eyes. Molly was in the kitchen making breakfast for all of them, so that left watching the children to Thomas and Brandon. Their eyes flicked from child to child, watching for any change in appearance or intent. It was a hard job. All of the Greene children were wild and unpredictable,
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