Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕

Brandon has had a troubled life ever since he found out who his mate was. Add a war, and tons of kids to that mixture and it's enough to make anyone insane. Join Brandon as he struggles to find the right in his wrong world.
This book is book 3 in the To Be Yours Series.
- Fated
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- Author: Anaya Phoenix
Read book online «Destined (To Be Yours) by Anaya Phoenix (books on motivation .txt) 📕». Author - Anaya Phoenix
“Who wants pancakes!” Molly yelled, just as the door banged open.
“I’m back!!” She yelled, Molly dropped the plate f pancakes, and if it hadn’t been for Jesse’s speed they wouldn’t have had any food.
“Oh my god!!! I’ve missed you so much!!” Molly yelled as she hugged her friend.
“I’ve missed the whole bunch of you! Where is Brandon, Carol?” She asked as she stepped further into the living room. Her eyes landed on Brandon and she smiled her famous smile. She leapt over the couch, not hitting the youngest in the head with her feet, and ran to him damn near knocking him down with the intensity.
“My god!! You’ve gotten bigger, and not in the good way.” She said, patting his belly, making them both laugh. He had missed her, hadn’t seen her since they moved to Colorado eight years ago.
“You’re looking a bit out of shape yourself, what happened to your arms, where’s the muscle?” He asked her, enjoying it as she play slapped his stomach.
“Have you forgotten about somebody?” An accented voice asked and he looked up to find her mate.
“Drew! How’s life been treating you?” Thomas asked, standing up now that another Alpha was in the room.
“Not bad. Stand down Alpha. I haven’t come to challenge you for the position, my mate wanted to visit. That’s all.” He told him, holding his hands out in surrender.
“Where are the kids?” Sarah asked in a panicky tone. He looked to her, his eyes wide with what looked like fear.
“They said they were gonna go in with you.”
“They told me they were gonna wait back with you.” She said already walking towards him..
“I’m sure there just-“ Molly started to say, but then there was a thumping sound above their head.
“On the roof.” Drew finished, closing his eyes and sighing.
“Why are they on the roof?” Thomas asked, looking to make sure all of his children were here.
“I don’t know. I may be their mother, but that’s as far as it goes for a relationship.” Sarah said looking at all the children, then to Molly, then to her hair as she raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, the hair. The mark on my belly makes their hair red. I didn’t cheat on Tom with some gorgeous red head European named Fabio.” At Thomas’s growl she shrugged and looked at him.
“What!? I said I didn’t!” She said exasperatedly, making Sarah chuckle.
“Are you not gonna get them?” Brandon asked her, his brow crinkling.
“They’ll be down now.” Sarah said, and as soon as the words were out, two blurs zoomed into the house, shut the door and stood by their mother.
“Did you have fun?” She asked them and their blue eyes looked up at her. They nodded, smiled, then looked at the rest of the kids. The boy didn’t look weird at all, he looked normal with his brown curly hair that had strings of red through it. The girl couldn’t look more different even if she tried. Her skin was white, almost pale, and her hair was as fiery as her mothers. None of the Greene children moved, except for Luna. She walked past her mother and father to the twins.
“I’m LunaRosa Greene, eldest of the eldest, Red Luna. Nice to meet you.” She said kindly, sticking her hand out to the girl.
“Anna Mascot, youngest of the twins, daughter of the Alpha. Pleased to meet you as well.” The girl said, her accent making her sound primp and proper, as she shook Rosa’s hand. Rosa smiled and handed her hand to the boy, who looked at it then her.
“Ander Mascot, eldest of the twins, next in line for the Alpha position. Good to see you.” He said, taking her hand and shaking it. For the first time in his life he saw Luna still and all emotion fly from her face. She snatched her hand away from his and cradled it with the other. Jesse was immediately on guard, having seen the whole thing, and looked close to killing Ander.
“Why are you here?” She asked rudely, her green eyes narrowing.
“Luna.” Molly chastised as Ander cocked his head and smirked.
“I’m here because I can be here, what are you going to do about it? Luna.” He said, teasing her, not knowing the bear he poked. She moved to punch him in the face but he grabbed her fist in mid air, making the children gasp, and squeezed it making her whimper.
“Not gonna work, luv, I don’t take well to being hit. For future reference.” He said as he let go of her hand. Rosa stepped back with her mouth open in shock and anger. Her eyes seemed to glow green, but she closed them and took a deep breath.
“I’m going to the park.” She announced to no one in particular and left, slamming the door after her.
“I think that went great, anybody else agree.” Sarah said as she grabbed her little boy and clutched him to her. Chapter 5
After Jesse and Cara were sent to retrieve their older sister the grown ups went to the sitting room to talk. The talking was going pleasantly, until a certain someone popped up.
“Have you guys heard from Valerie?” asked Thomas as he rubbed Molly’s shoulder. The Mascot’s shifted in their seat and looked a little guilty.
“You’ve heard from her?” Molly asked, moving forward in her seat, away from Thomas’ touch. He didn’t like that and gave her a warning growl that she ignored.
“Interesting story, actually-“ Drew started, chuckling nervously and shifting beside his mate who rolled her eyes.
“A couple years ago, while the kids were still pups, she ventured into England. Came to us saying she couldn’t seem to fit in with the humans. I knew how she felt, seeing as we, as pups, could never fit in with human children. I told her she could stay, as long as she helped out around the pack. She agreed.” Brandon had a feeling there was more so he moved forward in his seat.
“What else happened?” He asked, barely holding control of his wolf.
“Well she came here with us, of course. I believe she’s with the children right now.” Drew said, looking extremely uncomfortable as he sought out his mate’s touch.
“I don’t see her, or sense her for that matter.” Brandon growled, not liking it one bit the game the couple seemed to be playing.
“She made herself appear to be imaginative, a simple friend for them to play with.” Drew answered, again.
“An imaginary friend? She’s killed your kind and you-“
“She never bloody killed any of our kind! She helped them, all of them, escape.!” Anna Mascot said from the threshold leading into the family room.
“Anna, baby, go back upstairs and play with the others-“ Sarah started to say, only to be cut off by her daughter.
“No mum, he’s insulting her right in front of you! Your friend! You listen to his lies and say absolutely nothing!” Anna yelled to her mother. Sarah’s eyes narrowed dangerously as she stood slowly, ignoring her mate’s tugs for her to sit back down.
“Listen, girl, go back upstairs and play. Be a normal pup, for once in your life, and listen to your mother.” Sarah said, decisively slow and clear. He could see the child try to deny her mother’s order, and when she couldn’t false tears fell down her cheek.
“I’m going to tell Ander, and he’ll tell daddy and daddy will scold you for being so mean to me!” She wailed, her pale face turning bright red.
“Your father would do no such thing, and you know this. Go. Upstairs. And. Play.” Sarah growled out, making the fake tears stop and the child’s fists clench.
“I don’t have to-“
“ANNA MARIE MASCOT! LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER AND GO UPSTAIRS, OR SO HELP ME MOTHER MOON YOU WILL BE SORRY!!” Drew boomed, making even Thomas flinch. The girls face paled, if possible, even more as she scuttled to go back upstairs. Sarah sat down with a stony face, her gaze landing on Brandon’s.
“Where were we, oh yeah. You were telling us how your mate killed many us and how we should’ve shunned her instead of helping her out, like she did us eight years ago. Have anything else to add to that? No? Well, I’m going to go see if there’s an ice cream place around here. Tell Ander if he wants any to come down now.” She said, her voice thick with emotion, as she got up and stormed out of the sitting room and out the door. Seconds later they heard the door open and close again, then the starting of a car.
“This is turning out to be a great visit.” Thomas mumbled awkwardly as the silence in the room drowned them.
Sarah didn’t come back until hours later, she looked more calm, with an ice cream cone in hand. She walked to her mate, briskly kissed his lips and gave him the cone.
“Just like you asked, triple chocolate fudge ice cream.” She said happily, then licked it and smiled widely as he growled at her.
“If you’re gonna do that why not just do it when you’re not around me?” He sighed, still licking the ice cream anyway.
“Because then you wouldn’t know I did it, and if you didn’t know then there would be no point.” She shrugged, helping Ander take off his coat.
“You’re openly admitting to bothering me just for the hell of it?” Drew asked incredulously, but Brandon didn’t miss the undercurrent of love and adoration.
“Well… yeah.” She said, making him chuckle. Thomas And Molly had gone upstairs to play with the kids who were there. Rosa hadn’t come back yet.
“Molly! Do you want me to order pizza!?” Sarah yelled up the stairs.
“No! The kids had pizza yesterday, let’s do Chinese tonight!” Molly yelled back down, getting a chorus of applause from the children.
“Ok, where’s the me-“ She was shut off when the front door opened and slammed close. Luna, Jesse, and Cara stood there, each with faces that could make even the strongest man flinch if faced with them.
“What’s the boy still doing here?” LunaRosa said rudely, scrunching her face up in disgust as she took off her coat and hung it up.
“Luna.” Brandon warned softly, making her look at him, her green eyes flashed.
“I don’t like him, I don’t want him here and I don’t have to be nice to him. As far as me and my wolf are concerned he’s nothing but a stupid, ugly rogue.” Luna spat making Ander’s blue eyes shine as he growled at her.
“Watch your tongue, LunaRosa Greene, it can often write a check that your pretty little ass can’t handle.” Ander growled, taking a defending step forward. Brandon sighed and geared himself to be in the middle of an Alpha fight. Fun.
“Ander.” Sarah chided softly, he knew she knew that she had no control over this. They were gonna duke it out and the adults could do nothing about it.
“Trust me, jackass, nothing about me is little. Now why don’t you be a good little doggy and go upstairs to play with your little brat you call a sister.” Luna replied, not long after that she was punched into the door; it creaked under her weight and she growled.
“Oh that’s it, it’s fucking on.” She snarled as
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