Till The End by By: zzmbrashear (free books to read .TXT) đź“•

Excerpt from the book:
Alexis had a perfect life. She had the bestest friend and a boyfriend who she couldn't leave. She HAD the perfect life till her boyfriend and her bestfriend had a fling. Although it only happened once it was enough to change both of their lifes forever. Alexis' life is turned upside down with lose. She never left her bestfriend side and never will. What happens that turns her life upside down? Read and find out!
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her gum away because she was playing with it. (I think she was trying to flirt but it looked weird.)
“Stop trying to control me and I could care less on what they say, so peace sucka.” She said grabbing “Chuck” and taking him into a closet. I had no idea what got into her so I talked to her mom about it.
“I caught her smoking in her room. She is leaving boys boxers under her bed.” She started to cry. “I don’t know what to do. Were did I go wrong.”
“Its not your fault. She blames her self for Matts passing and is trying see who she is by not being herself. It will blow away after a while.” That seemed to be reassuring to her.
“Come on babe. Lets mess around.” Chuck said to me while we were skipping gym by sitting under the bleachers.
“Cut it out, I don’t want to do anything right now.” I said while pushing his lips out of my face.
“But that Matt kid could get you pregnant and I can’t even have a little fun.” He said.
“That “Matt kid” only got in my pants because I was in love with him.” But then my voice trailed off. “And I threw him away.” I left school that day. I took out my piercings, tattoos and all the black cloths. I went to my mom gave her a hug and told her everything will be okay. She was so happy she cried. Then I had to do whats right and go to Alexis. When I got their, her door was shut but I heard voices.
“A little harder. To the left. Yeah thats the spot.” I heard Alexis say and I saw it was Jack, a football player in their so I ran away and stormed out of her house.
“Lindsey whats wrong?” Her mother asked as I slammed the door. The next day Alexis tried to talk to me.
“You lost your black stuff.” She said while giving me a hug but I didn’t hug back. “Whats wrong?”
“I heard you with Jack. You criticized me for having sex but you go do it with a football player. How low!”
“You have it all wrong. He was helping me put up a big picture of Matt, you and me in my room. When I said harder that mean’t hitting the nail and when I said to the left it was because it was crooked. Even ask him. We were studying other than that.” She said and I felt terrible for accusing her. How stupid could I be!
“I’m so so sorry. I don’t know what I was talking about.” I said to her and then we hugged and went to French class. I got called out by the therapist, which was very embarrassing. I had to walk with her to her office.
“Lindsey, I was notified that you have been cutting yourself and having some depression problems. You have not been turning in your homework either. Tell me about how you feel.” She said while pointing to the couch and making a gesture which mean’t for me to sit down.
“Well, I feel wonderful. I dream of rainbows and unicorns and I eat ice cream.” I said in a sarcastic voice and smiled. “Can I leave now?”
“This is a very serious matter Lindsey and I surprised you don’t see it that way. You have been through a lot.” And then I cut her off with my rage.
“Been through a lot! Is that what I’ve been through, a lot! How should you know what I’ve been through! I lost my baby. Almost got kicked out of this school. You don’t know what its like to be sixteen and pregnant and have people look at you and judge you because of your age. Not soon after I lost my baby I lose my love. The one person beside my best friend who ever cared about me, dies and along with him so do I. You don’t know what I’ve been through. So don’t come in here and ask how I feel.” I grabbed my things and went home. As always, Alexis was waiting for me at my house. If I didn’t have her, I don’t know what I would do.
“You look like you have had a rough day. How bout we get some ice cream to cool off.” She said while getting into her car. I don’t know how but she always knows the right thing to say. I nodded and then we went to Bill’s Ice Cream. I haven’t been their in almost two years. Its changed so much.
“What would you like?” The woman at the counter asked. She had bleach blonde hair. You could tell it has been recently dyed. She was wear bright green contacts but she was friendly and made small talk.
“I will have a medium cotton candy and she will have a medium twist dipped in chocolate.” Alexis said.
“Its amazing how much you know me.” I said to her while taking our seats.
“Yeah well, we’ve only know each other since we were in our mothers stomach.” She said and she was right. Our mothers knew each other ever since they were babies and their mothers before that. We were conceived on the same day and in the same room. I never knew my father. All I know is what my mother told me and its not much. She says he was a slum that left as soon as the word baby came out. Alexis’ mother and my mother were the only family I needed. They were their for each other and now Lindsey and I are here for each other. Without her I would be lost.
“Here you are.” The same woman said while handing each other our ice creams. We both said thank you and then we ate their together. When I was finished, Alexis’ went to the bathroom and I stood up to find a guy grab me and slide his hands down my body.
“Hey baby. Haven’t seen you in a while. Where have you been hiding?” He said while still holding me. Just hearing his voice I knew who it was.
“Randy you slimy bastard. Get your crummy hands off me and get lost.” I said.
“You don’t have big ol’ Matthew to help you now.” He said while violently grabbing my hand.
“No she don’t have Matthew to help her but she do got me and I suggest you take your hands off her before I make you.” Alexis said while walking out of the bathroom and cracking her knuckles.
“Oh what are you going to do, sing me to death.” Randy said while turning to his friends and laughing but when he turned back to Alexis she had her fist already in his face.
“You broke my nose you little whore!” Randy said. “Now your going to pay.” He started to come towards her but got stopped by the store manager. He was black and big. Really big.
“I suggest you leave, son.” He said with a deep baritone voice. Then Randy turned to his friends and left. Alexis was rubbing her knuckles. I could see blood not a lot but enough to make it hurt.
“Oh my mary. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, fine but that really hurt. He had what was coming to him.” She said while wiping down the blood. I could tell she was lying because she had to wipe her eyes. “Who was he anyway?” She asked.
“A guy I met before Matthew. He was just a friends but then he tried to mess around to I left him.” I said.
“How come you never told me about him?” She asked but I didn’t know the answer.
“Because I thought you would judge me. Judge me for liking someone who is six years older than me. I just didn’t know how to tell you because your so perfect.” I said.
“I’m far from perfect. I have mistakes and regrets just as you.” She said with grabbing my hand to comfort me.
“Name one?” I asked really interested.
“I regret dating Matt. Every time we broke up he said the most vial things but when we were together he made me think he loved me. One time in Music Class we were researching NYSMA and we were partners. He lay’d his head on my shoulder and said “I’m too in love to work. I’m sorry. I’m just too in love to work.”.” She turned towards the sun and I could tell she was holding back tears. “Every time he said he loved me it was a lie. He only wanted me for one thing and I wasn’t ready to give him that. I also regret being raped.” I looked at her speechless.
“Thats not funny, you don’t joke about something like that.” I said while stopping her in her tracks.
“I wish I was joking.” Alexis said while avoiding eye contact.
“Please don’t tell me it was Matt.” I said disgusted with the idea.
“Oh honey, it wasn’t him. Don’t worry.” She told me but didn’t make me stop worrying.
“Tell me who!” I demanded.
“His name was Rich. He was one of my mothers quote un quote boyfriends. He stayed at the house. One day I went outside to the pool and my mom wasn’t home. He came home from work early. As always I wore my bikini. He asked if he could get in and I said yes, not thinking of it. The look in his eye was different that night. When he got in the pool he was staring at me a lot and when I said I was getting out because of home work he stopped me. I remember it like yesterday.
“Its a nice day. Stay out for a while.” He said with an awful creepy voice. I shook my head and then he grabbed me and held my mouth.
“Scream and I will do worse than what I have in mind. Now take off your clothes.” I was terrified what he might do to me so I did what he said. First he looked, then he touched and last he, he, I couldn’t say it.
I started to shake and Lindsey could tell.”
“You don’t have to tell me anymore.” I said while giving her a hug. I could tell the memory of it was hurting her inside. “Does your mother know?”
“And what would I tell her, Hey mom how was work oh and by the way the love of your life raped me! Its not that easy. She would think I was lying and then punish me. And lord knows what Rich would do to me then.” She said.
“Did he ever touch you again?” I asked. I was disgusted with that jack a**. He had no right. She did nothing wrong and I told her that.
“No. He kept his distance from then on but he still haunts me.” She said while looking at me and smiling. I couldn’t believe something like that happened to her. I just wanted to cry for her but that wouldn’t have stopped her pain. Not now, not ever.
I felt weird telling her that. I knew I could tell her anything but I have never told anyone that. I have buried it in my soul for almost two years now. Lindsey hasn’t looked at me different and I’m glad. That was the reason I didn’t tell her. I was scared that she would see me in a different way but I know she isn’t like that. The next day I got a weird call from Lindsey.
“Stop trying to control me and I could care less on what they say, so peace sucka.” She said grabbing “Chuck” and taking him into a closet. I had no idea what got into her so I talked to her mom about it.
“I caught her smoking in her room. She is leaving boys boxers under her bed.” She started to cry. “I don’t know what to do. Were did I go wrong.”
“Its not your fault. She blames her self for Matts passing and is trying see who she is by not being herself. It will blow away after a while.” That seemed to be reassuring to her.
“Come on babe. Lets mess around.” Chuck said to me while we were skipping gym by sitting under the bleachers.
“Cut it out, I don’t want to do anything right now.” I said while pushing his lips out of my face.
“But that Matt kid could get you pregnant and I can’t even have a little fun.” He said.
“That “Matt kid” only got in my pants because I was in love with him.” But then my voice trailed off. “And I threw him away.” I left school that day. I took out my piercings, tattoos and all the black cloths. I went to my mom gave her a hug and told her everything will be okay. She was so happy she cried. Then I had to do whats right and go to Alexis. When I got their, her door was shut but I heard voices.
“A little harder. To the left. Yeah thats the spot.” I heard Alexis say and I saw it was Jack, a football player in their so I ran away and stormed out of her house.
“Lindsey whats wrong?” Her mother asked as I slammed the door. The next day Alexis tried to talk to me.
“You lost your black stuff.” She said while giving me a hug but I didn’t hug back. “Whats wrong?”
“I heard you with Jack. You criticized me for having sex but you go do it with a football player. How low!”
“You have it all wrong. He was helping me put up a big picture of Matt, you and me in my room. When I said harder that mean’t hitting the nail and when I said to the left it was because it was crooked. Even ask him. We were studying other than that.” She said and I felt terrible for accusing her. How stupid could I be!
“I’m so so sorry. I don’t know what I was talking about.” I said to her and then we hugged and went to French class. I got called out by the therapist, which was very embarrassing. I had to walk with her to her office.
“Lindsey, I was notified that you have been cutting yourself and having some depression problems. You have not been turning in your homework either. Tell me about how you feel.” She said while pointing to the couch and making a gesture which mean’t for me to sit down.
“Well, I feel wonderful. I dream of rainbows and unicorns and I eat ice cream.” I said in a sarcastic voice and smiled. “Can I leave now?”
“This is a very serious matter Lindsey and I surprised you don’t see it that way. You have been through a lot.” And then I cut her off with my rage.
“Been through a lot! Is that what I’ve been through, a lot! How should you know what I’ve been through! I lost my baby. Almost got kicked out of this school. You don’t know what its like to be sixteen and pregnant and have people look at you and judge you because of your age. Not soon after I lost my baby I lose my love. The one person beside my best friend who ever cared about me, dies and along with him so do I. You don’t know what I’ve been through. So don’t come in here and ask how I feel.” I grabbed my things and went home. As always, Alexis was waiting for me at my house. If I didn’t have her, I don’t know what I would do.
“You look like you have had a rough day. How bout we get some ice cream to cool off.” She said while getting into her car. I don’t know how but she always knows the right thing to say. I nodded and then we went to Bill’s Ice Cream. I haven’t been their in almost two years. Its changed so much.
“What would you like?” The woman at the counter asked. She had bleach blonde hair. You could tell it has been recently dyed. She was wear bright green contacts but she was friendly and made small talk.
“I will have a medium cotton candy and she will have a medium twist dipped in chocolate.” Alexis said.
“Its amazing how much you know me.” I said to her while taking our seats.
“Yeah well, we’ve only know each other since we were in our mothers stomach.” She said and she was right. Our mothers knew each other ever since they were babies and their mothers before that. We were conceived on the same day and in the same room. I never knew my father. All I know is what my mother told me and its not much. She says he was a slum that left as soon as the word baby came out. Alexis’ mother and my mother were the only family I needed. They were their for each other and now Lindsey and I are here for each other. Without her I would be lost.
“Here you are.” The same woman said while handing each other our ice creams. We both said thank you and then we ate their together. When I was finished, Alexis’ went to the bathroom and I stood up to find a guy grab me and slide his hands down my body.
“Hey baby. Haven’t seen you in a while. Where have you been hiding?” He said while still holding me. Just hearing his voice I knew who it was.
“Randy you slimy bastard. Get your crummy hands off me and get lost.” I said.
“You don’t have big ol’ Matthew to help you now.” He said while violently grabbing my hand.
“No she don’t have Matthew to help her but she do got me and I suggest you take your hands off her before I make you.” Alexis said while walking out of the bathroom and cracking her knuckles.
“Oh what are you going to do, sing me to death.” Randy said while turning to his friends and laughing but when he turned back to Alexis she had her fist already in his face.
“You broke my nose you little whore!” Randy said. “Now your going to pay.” He started to come towards her but got stopped by the store manager. He was black and big. Really big.
“I suggest you leave, son.” He said with a deep baritone voice. Then Randy turned to his friends and left. Alexis was rubbing her knuckles. I could see blood not a lot but enough to make it hurt.
“Oh my mary. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, fine but that really hurt. He had what was coming to him.” She said while wiping down the blood. I could tell she was lying because she had to wipe her eyes. “Who was he anyway?” She asked.
“A guy I met before Matthew. He was just a friends but then he tried to mess around to I left him.” I said.
“How come you never told me about him?” She asked but I didn’t know the answer.
“Because I thought you would judge me. Judge me for liking someone who is six years older than me. I just didn’t know how to tell you because your so perfect.” I said.
“I’m far from perfect. I have mistakes and regrets just as you.” She said with grabbing my hand to comfort me.
“Name one?” I asked really interested.
“I regret dating Matt. Every time we broke up he said the most vial things but when we were together he made me think he loved me. One time in Music Class we were researching NYSMA and we were partners. He lay’d his head on my shoulder and said “I’m too in love to work. I’m sorry. I’m just too in love to work.”.” She turned towards the sun and I could tell she was holding back tears. “Every time he said he loved me it was a lie. He only wanted me for one thing and I wasn’t ready to give him that. I also regret being raped.” I looked at her speechless.
“Thats not funny, you don’t joke about something like that.” I said while stopping her in her tracks.
“I wish I was joking.” Alexis said while avoiding eye contact.
“Please don’t tell me it was Matt.” I said disgusted with the idea.
“Oh honey, it wasn’t him. Don’t worry.” She told me but didn’t make me stop worrying.
“Tell me who!” I demanded.
“His name was Rich. He was one of my mothers quote un quote boyfriends. He stayed at the house. One day I went outside to the pool and my mom wasn’t home. He came home from work early. As always I wore my bikini. He asked if he could get in and I said yes, not thinking of it. The look in his eye was different that night. When he got in the pool he was staring at me a lot and when I said I was getting out because of home work he stopped me. I remember it like yesterday.
“Its a nice day. Stay out for a while.” He said with an awful creepy voice. I shook my head and then he grabbed me and held my mouth.
“Scream and I will do worse than what I have in mind. Now take off your clothes.” I was terrified what he might do to me so I did what he said. First he looked, then he touched and last he, he, I couldn’t say it.
I started to shake and Lindsey could tell.”
“You don’t have to tell me anymore.” I said while giving her a hug. I could tell the memory of it was hurting her inside. “Does your mother know?”
“And what would I tell her, Hey mom how was work oh and by the way the love of your life raped me! Its not that easy. She would think I was lying and then punish me. And lord knows what Rich would do to me then.” She said.
“Did he ever touch you again?” I asked. I was disgusted with that jack a**. He had no right. She did nothing wrong and I told her that.
“No. He kept his distance from then on but he still haunts me.” She said while looking at me and smiling. I couldn’t believe something like that happened to her. I just wanted to cry for her but that wouldn’t have stopped her pain. Not now, not ever.
I felt weird telling her that. I knew I could tell her anything but I have never told anyone that. I have buried it in my soul for almost two years now. Lindsey hasn’t looked at me different and I’m glad. That was the reason I didn’t tell her. I was scared that she would see me in a different way but I know she isn’t like that. The next day I got a weird call from Lindsey.
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