Till The End by By: zzmbrashear (free books to read .TXT) 📕

Excerpt from the book:
Alexis had a perfect life. She had the bestest friend and a boyfriend who she couldn't leave. She HAD the perfect life till her boyfriend and her bestfriend had a fling. Although it only happened once it was enough to change both of their lifes forever. Alexis' life is turned upside down with lose. She never left her bestfriend side and never will. What happens that turns her life upside down? Read and find out!
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Read book online «Till The End by By: zzmbrashear (free books to read .TXT) 📕». Author - By: zzmbrashear
/> “Alexis! Help, I don’t know where she is oh this can’t be happening. Help quick!” She said this in a very fast and panicked tone. I couldn’t make most of the words out and when I tried to call back their was no answer. I went to her house but her mothers car was not in the drive way so I went in anyway.
“Alexis, where are you?” I screamed through the house.
“In here, in here.” She replied in a sad monotone voice.
“Oh my, what happened, are you okay?” I asked. She was on her bed sitting up with her knees up to her chest. She had tears in her eyes and her dirty blonde hair was matted down into a bun.
“My mom is missing.” She said but I didn’t believe it. “She has been gone for three days. At first I thought she was just at a guys house or at a bar but she never showed up. What am I going to do? I lost Elizabeth, Matthew. I can’t lose my mom too. I just wouldn’t be able to make it. Alexis you gotta help me, please!” She said while grabbing my arm.
“Lets call the police.” I suggested. She nodded and I picked up the phone. I dialed the local police station.
“Hello, how may I help you?” The man on the other line said.
“Hello sir, I’m reporting a missing person.” I said.
“Okay, how long has this person been missing?” He asked.
“She has been missing for three days. She has curly blonde hair. She weights about 140 pounds and is five foot nine.” I said.
“Okay. I will send it into the data base and see if anything pops up. I will give you a call.” He replied. Lindsey heard his answer and immediately had a frown upon her face. She took a bath later that day and when she got out she said something that made me surprised.
“I want to have another child.” She said with a towel around her body.
“Your only seventeen. The doctors say that it might end up the same way. Are you sure you want to take that chance?” I asked.
“I need someone. I need a baby.” She said. I didn’t say anything further but she did. “I don’t care if you don’t agre-” I cut her off.
“Your right I don’t agree. Kids your age get pregnant all the time and their not ready. They end up getting a abortion or putting it up for adoption. Your not one of them. Wait till your older. Wait till your ready for it!” I started to raise my voice but when I noticed it I stopped. She didn’t say anything but I heard her mumble under her breath. She said I’m ready. I know I’m ready. The next day we got a call from the police. They said they have located Lindsey’s mom but they couldn’t say any thing else. I went to the location they gave me and I ended up at a hospital. I went into Lindsey’s mothers room to find her barley conscious with bandages all over. She had to shave her hair because of the stitches she needed.
“Oh my lord, Ms. Post are you okay?” I said horrified at how she looked. I knew she must feel twice as bad as she looks.
“Yes darling. I was in a mugging. I was found a day ago but I wasn’t conscious so they couldn’t I.D. me. Does Linds know I’m here?” She asked.
“I thought it was better if I came first to see how you were so she knew what to expect.” I said.
“Can you do me a favor?” She asked and I nodded.
“Don’t tell her. Leave her be. She has been through enough.” She said to me. I didn’t know how I could lie to Lindsey.
“I can’t lie to her. I’m sorry.” I replied, mad that I couldn’t lie to her.
“I understand.” She said. “Do you mind staying for a while. I wouldn’t mind having some company.” I nodded and then stayed till she fell asleep. She looked so helpless. As a single mother she was always very protective and she was always tough and she stood her ground. To see her like this was almost scary.
When I got to Lindsey’s house she was waiting for me.
“What happened? Where was she? Can I see her?” She asked so many questions at the same time and I didn’t know were to start. It took me a while to answer. I was going over what her mother said and what I should do. To have Lindsey see her mother like that would be horrifying to her. Especially after what she has been through.
“Lindsey,” I began to say but she interrupted.
“Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Don’t say she’s dead. God Alexis you can’t say it!” She started to scream. Tears ran down her cheek. She fell to the ground and put her face into her faded blue jeans. “I can’t do this. Not her too.”
“She’s not dead.” I paused for a minute. “But she’s badly hurt. She wanted me to tell you but I just thought it would be to hard to see her like that.” I said. Lindsey sighed in relief.
“When can I see her?” She asked while brushing her hair our of her face. When she stood up she brushed the tears away from her eyes.
“When you want to but she doesn’t look too good.” I said. The last thing I wanted to do was take her their because if I were to see my mom like that I would down right die but I couldn’t lie to her. I took her to the hospital, it was so gloomy. Their was patients in the hallways, staring you down. Everybody had a frown. It wasn’t like this last time I came. What changed? “Brace yourself.” I told Lindsey while making a gesture to her mothers bed. Lindsey walked into her room and stood still for a while. I didn’t say anything or touch her, I just watched. Her face showed remorse and sadness and everything in between. Her mother opened her eye because the other one was swollen and black and blue. She mumbled out Lindsey’s name. Lindsey went to her and held her hand.
“I’m here. Its okay. It will be all okay because I’m here.” She kept saying. I wasn’t sure if she was saying it to her mother or herself but she was saying it for a reason. Her mother looked at me, smiled and then lipped the words ‘thank you’. I smiled back then left and went home. When I got their I saw that my moms car was not in the drive way. I went inside and Rich was their.
“I’m going to my room.” I said and then ran upstairs. I was wearing jeans so I changed into my blue Oklahoma State sweats and my tank top. When i was taking off my shirt to put on the tank top I saw Rich waiting by my door.
“Oh my god! Get out!” I screamed but then he slammed the door and walked into my room. He had the same look on his face he had the day of the-... I can’t say it. He grabbed me violently, not like last time. Last time he took his time and enjoyed it but this time he took all control. He slammed me on the bed. I was pleading please don’t, please don’t. I was crying. I didn’t know what to do. I saw him take off his pants. He hopped on top of me. I didn’t hear him say anything except one thing. He said here we go. He injected me with something. It made me zone out but when I came to, he was on top of me. I couldn’t move but I knew exactly what was happening. My clothes were off. Why couldn’t I move? When I felt my legs tingling I started to begin to gain control back. He didn’t notice I was, he just kept... kept, doing it. I took my hand and hit him over the head because he was holding my legs. He fell off the bed. I then ran out of the room. I was stark naked so I took my mothers trench coat and then ran to her work. I didn’t think she would believe me but I had to tell her. This can’t go on any longer.
I found her at her office. I ran in and shut the door.
“Where are your clothes, darling? She asked.
“Rich raped me, twice.” I said very fast just so I get it out.
“Thats not something you joke about, Alexis.” She said standing up. “He called me and said you were upset with him because he wouldn’t give you any money.”
“Mom! You can’t believe him. He raped me ten minutes ago. He also raped me the night you didn’t come home a year or two ago. Please momma. You have to believe me! Please!” I said. She looked me straight in the eye and saw I was all teared up.
She muttered the words “I believe you.” She sniffled wiped her eyes and then headed out the door. “We are going to the house and then we are we are.” She dropped her eyes at the car and then started crying. “How could this happen? How could this happen to my baby girl?” She said while putting her hand on my chin and brushing my hair out of my eyes.
“Its okay mom. Its going to be okay?” I said. It seemed like forever till we got to my house but when we got their mom didn’t even shut off the car she just jumped out. Screaming “You slimy bastard get the hell out of my house!” Rich came out with a clueless look on his face. My mom started to hit her and she screamed “You rapped her! You violated my innocent baby!” She started to hit him and then I heard him say something. “I will hunt you down!” Then my mother screamed call the cops. They came shortly after the call. We went on trial for rape. It took a long process but my mom said he needed to pay. Trail was nothing like the movies showed. Their was more suspense and pure terror. What was worse is I had to explain every little detail about what he did to me. He got sentenced to twenty years with privileges. I wanted that bastard to get sentenced to life but that was a long shot. After that my mom didn’t look at me the same way she use to. She looked at me differently. I can’t explain it but she did. Their was still one problem, how can I tell Lindsey.
“Rich went to jail.” I said while we sat down at our lunch table at school.
“Oh really? Why?” She asked while wiping her face with a napkin. I paused for a while a look around at the cafeteria. We have circle tables, I don’t know what but I like the rectangle tables more. The tables are divided into “clicks”. In the middle of the cafeteria their is Bethany’s table. She is a skinny little twitch who thinks everybody loves her and blah blah blah. She has all her minions in her table. Lindsey took a big bite and then gave that get to the point look and, I spoke.
“He raped me and I told my mom and we took him to court and he got sentenced to twenty years.” I it said with only one breath thinking getting it out at once is easier. She opened her mouth and then food fell out. She gave
“Alexis, where are you?” I screamed through the house.
“In here, in here.” She replied in a sad monotone voice.
“Oh my, what happened, are you okay?” I asked. She was on her bed sitting up with her knees up to her chest. She had tears in her eyes and her dirty blonde hair was matted down into a bun.
“My mom is missing.” She said but I didn’t believe it. “She has been gone for three days. At first I thought she was just at a guys house or at a bar but she never showed up. What am I going to do? I lost Elizabeth, Matthew. I can’t lose my mom too. I just wouldn’t be able to make it. Alexis you gotta help me, please!” She said while grabbing my arm.
“Lets call the police.” I suggested. She nodded and I picked up the phone. I dialed the local police station.
“Hello, how may I help you?” The man on the other line said.
“Hello sir, I’m reporting a missing person.” I said.
“Okay, how long has this person been missing?” He asked.
“She has been missing for three days. She has curly blonde hair. She weights about 140 pounds and is five foot nine.” I said.
“Okay. I will send it into the data base and see if anything pops up. I will give you a call.” He replied. Lindsey heard his answer and immediately had a frown upon her face. She took a bath later that day and when she got out she said something that made me surprised.
“I want to have another child.” She said with a towel around her body.
“Your only seventeen. The doctors say that it might end up the same way. Are you sure you want to take that chance?” I asked.
“I need someone. I need a baby.” She said. I didn’t say anything further but she did. “I don’t care if you don’t agre-” I cut her off.
“Your right I don’t agree. Kids your age get pregnant all the time and their not ready. They end up getting a abortion or putting it up for adoption. Your not one of them. Wait till your older. Wait till your ready for it!” I started to raise my voice but when I noticed it I stopped. She didn’t say anything but I heard her mumble under her breath. She said I’m ready. I know I’m ready. The next day we got a call from the police. They said they have located Lindsey’s mom but they couldn’t say any thing else. I went to the location they gave me and I ended up at a hospital. I went into Lindsey’s mothers room to find her barley conscious with bandages all over. She had to shave her hair because of the stitches she needed.
“Oh my lord, Ms. Post are you okay?” I said horrified at how she looked. I knew she must feel twice as bad as she looks.
“Yes darling. I was in a mugging. I was found a day ago but I wasn’t conscious so they couldn’t I.D. me. Does Linds know I’m here?” She asked.
“I thought it was better if I came first to see how you were so she knew what to expect.” I said.
“Can you do me a favor?” She asked and I nodded.
“Don’t tell her. Leave her be. She has been through enough.” She said to me. I didn’t know how I could lie to Lindsey.
“I can’t lie to her. I’m sorry.” I replied, mad that I couldn’t lie to her.
“I understand.” She said. “Do you mind staying for a while. I wouldn’t mind having some company.” I nodded and then stayed till she fell asleep. She looked so helpless. As a single mother she was always very protective and she was always tough and she stood her ground. To see her like this was almost scary.
When I got to Lindsey’s house she was waiting for me.
“What happened? Where was she? Can I see her?” She asked so many questions at the same time and I didn’t know were to start. It took me a while to answer. I was going over what her mother said and what I should do. To have Lindsey see her mother like that would be horrifying to her. Especially after what she has been through.
“Lindsey,” I began to say but she interrupted.
“Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Don’t say she’s dead. God Alexis you can’t say it!” She started to scream. Tears ran down her cheek. She fell to the ground and put her face into her faded blue jeans. “I can’t do this. Not her too.”
“She’s not dead.” I paused for a minute. “But she’s badly hurt. She wanted me to tell you but I just thought it would be to hard to see her like that.” I said. Lindsey sighed in relief.
“When can I see her?” She asked while brushing her hair our of her face. When she stood up she brushed the tears away from her eyes.
“When you want to but she doesn’t look too good.” I said. The last thing I wanted to do was take her their because if I were to see my mom like that I would down right die but I couldn’t lie to her. I took her to the hospital, it was so gloomy. Their was patients in the hallways, staring you down. Everybody had a frown. It wasn’t like this last time I came. What changed? “Brace yourself.” I told Lindsey while making a gesture to her mothers bed. Lindsey walked into her room and stood still for a while. I didn’t say anything or touch her, I just watched. Her face showed remorse and sadness and everything in between. Her mother opened her eye because the other one was swollen and black and blue. She mumbled out Lindsey’s name. Lindsey went to her and held her hand.
“I’m here. Its okay. It will be all okay because I’m here.” She kept saying. I wasn’t sure if she was saying it to her mother or herself but she was saying it for a reason. Her mother looked at me, smiled and then lipped the words ‘thank you’. I smiled back then left and went home. When I got their I saw that my moms car was not in the drive way. I went inside and Rich was their.
“I’m going to my room.” I said and then ran upstairs. I was wearing jeans so I changed into my blue Oklahoma State sweats and my tank top. When i was taking off my shirt to put on the tank top I saw Rich waiting by my door.
“Oh my god! Get out!” I screamed but then he slammed the door and walked into my room. He had the same look on his face he had the day of the-... I can’t say it. He grabbed me violently, not like last time. Last time he took his time and enjoyed it but this time he took all control. He slammed me on the bed. I was pleading please don’t, please don’t. I was crying. I didn’t know what to do. I saw him take off his pants. He hopped on top of me. I didn’t hear him say anything except one thing. He said here we go. He injected me with something. It made me zone out but when I came to, he was on top of me. I couldn’t move but I knew exactly what was happening. My clothes were off. Why couldn’t I move? When I felt my legs tingling I started to begin to gain control back. He didn’t notice I was, he just kept... kept, doing it. I took my hand and hit him over the head because he was holding my legs. He fell off the bed. I then ran out of the room. I was stark naked so I took my mothers trench coat and then ran to her work. I didn’t think she would believe me but I had to tell her. This can’t go on any longer.
I found her at her office. I ran in and shut the door.
“Where are your clothes, darling? She asked.
“Rich raped me, twice.” I said very fast just so I get it out.
“Thats not something you joke about, Alexis.” She said standing up. “He called me and said you were upset with him because he wouldn’t give you any money.”
“Mom! You can’t believe him. He raped me ten minutes ago. He also raped me the night you didn’t come home a year or two ago. Please momma. You have to believe me! Please!” I said. She looked me straight in the eye and saw I was all teared up.
She muttered the words “I believe you.” She sniffled wiped her eyes and then headed out the door. “We are going to the house and then we are we are.” She dropped her eyes at the car and then started crying. “How could this happen? How could this happen to my baby girl?” She said while putting her hand on my chin and brushing my hair out of my eyes.
“Its okay mom. Its going to be okay?” I said. It seemed like forever till we got to my house but when we got their mom didn’t even shut off the car she just jumped out. Screaming “You slimy bastard get the hell out of my house!” Rich came out with a clueless look on his face. My mom started to hit her and she screamed “You rapped her! You violated my innocent baby!” She started to hit him and then I heard him say something. “I will hunt you down!” Then my mother screamed call the cops. They came shortly after the call. We went on trial for rape. It took a long process but my mom said he needed to pay. Trail was nothing like the movies showed. Their was more suspense and pure terror. What was worse is I had to explain every little detail about what he did to me. He got sentenced to twenty years with privileges. I wanted that bastard to get sentenced to life but that was a long shot. After that my mom didn’t look at me the same way she use to. She looked at me differently. I can’t explain it but she did. Their was still one problem, how can I tell Lindsey.
“Rich went to jail.” I said while we sat down at our lunch table at school.
“Oh really? Why?” She asked while wiping her face with a napkin. I paused for a while a look around at the cafeteria. We have circle tables, I don’t know what but I like the rectangle tables more. The tables are divided into “clicks”. In the middle of the cafeteria their is Bethany’s table. She is a skinny little twitch who thinks everybody loves her and blah blah blah. She has all her minions in her table. Lindsey took a big bite and then gave that get to the point look and, I spoke.
“He raped me and I told my mom and we took him to court and he got sentenced to twenty years.” I it said with only one breath thinking getting it out at once is easier. She opened her mouth and then food fell out. She gave
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