Till The End by By: zzmbrashear (free books to read .TXT) 📕

Excerpt from the book:
Alexis had a perfect life. She had the bestest friend and a boyfriend who she couldn't leave. She HAD the perfect life till her boyfriend and her bestfriend had a fling. Although it only happened once it was enough to change both of their lifes forever. Alexis' life is turned upside down with lose. She never left her bestfriend side and never will. What happens that turns her life upside down? Read and find out!
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Read book online «Till The End by By: zzmbrashear (free books to read .TXT) 📕». Author - By: zzmbrashear
me a hug and made me feel safe.
“Are you okay?” She asked with a very dearing voice. I nodded and then the bell rang. In the hallway Bethany came over to us.
“Whats wrong? Did the poor little Dikes get sad.” She said in a baby voice. She sounded so sarcastic but I could punch her like I wanted to because one more strike and my mom puts me in therapy. I kept walking but that wasn’t satisfying for her. “See Matts and Sidney’s grave lately?” She asked spinning around. That was it! I was going to sock’er right in the sucker but Josh came over. Josh was a Senior. He has light blond hair and light green eyes. He was taller than six feet and had a nice body. I have been crushing like a school girl on him since high school. I saw him walk over and its like everything went in slow-mo. I saw his semi-long hair bounce in the wind. Then he walked over and kissed me.
“Hey gorgeous.” He said while kissing me again. Just before I could say something I snapped out of my day dream.
“Whats your problem Beth! Mind your own! You late to class, so get lost before I write you up.” He said. He looked so handsome, so masculine, so hottt!!! But a guy like him don’t go for 11th graders like me. He came over and shook my hand and introduced himself. Lindsey introduced me and I stood their speechless until she purposely stepped on my foot.
“So how do you know the God Almighty Bethany.” I said with quotation marks. He giggled the cutest giggle I have ever heard.
“She is my sister.” He said and I couldn’t believe it. The guy I have dreamed about is the Demons flesh and blood. My day just got a million times worse. “So would you like to catch a movie so something sometime?” He asked and I thought he was talking to Lindsey so I didn’t answer. But then he looked straight at me and I realized it was me he was talking to.
“Oh, yeah, that sounds great.” I said with a stupid look and boy did I feel stupid.
“So I will pick you up at 8 on Saturday.” He said and I nodded. It seemed like forever till Saturday but I couldn’t just sit around and wait. Lindsey and I went shopping for what I should wear.
“You should go for sexy but not slutty. Poise but not hobo. You know what I mean?” She asked while holding up a shirt that showed more cleavage than a prostitute. I shook my head no but by the end of that horrifying day I found a outfit. It was a pair of American Eagle jeans, low cut shirt from Hollister, Aeropastal flip flops and my Old Navy purse. I usually wear all these things everyday but this was the first time I had someone pick out my clothes, but it made Lindsey happy.
When Josh pulled in he got out of his car and came to my door. He knocked and when I opened it he said something.
“Wow. You look beautiful.” He said while stepping in. I thanked him and then started to walk to his car door. He opened it for me and then shut it. On the ride their it was pretty quiet until he turned on the radio. He turned on Country and I almost fainted.
He looked at me. “Are you okay? Do you not like Country?” He asked.
“No, no, I love Country.” I replied smiling. The song Smile by Uncle Kracker came on and I said I loved this song and he said it was his favorite too. We sang along to it together and then when we pulled into the Movie Theatre he kissed me. He put one hand on my head and latched onto my hair and the other hand was around my waist. It was to passionate. I couldn’t believe this was happening. The dream that I always dream about is happening and I can’t think of anything to do. I kissed him back, after what felt like forever he pulled away.
“I’m sorry.” He said.
“No, no, don’t be, really.” I said.
“It was out of line.” He said but I cut him off. I leaned over and grabbed on his hair and kissed him. Then we pulled away.
“Was I out of line?” I asked being sarcastic and then he shook his head. I sat on top of him while he was in the drivers seat. We made out for what seemed like eternity. I knew if I didn’t stop then it would go to far. So I pulled away and looked at him. He asked if anything was wrong.
“No, nothings wrong. Its just I don’t want to push it.” I said. He sat me down on the passenger seat.
“I don’t want you to do anything that you are uncomfortable with. We can go as slow as you want.” He said. The rest of the night we laid on the hood of the car. He had one hand around my head and I had both hands around his waist. For so long I wanted to be so close to Josh and now I am.
I have never been so happy. Everybody at school thought I was high and one of my teachers even sent me to the guidance councilor. I was high, high on love. I have never felt so good in my whole life. I felt like my whole world was turning around. Josh came to see me at my house every single day and he never, not once, mentioned sex. When I’m with him its like all my worries are gone and I have nothing to fear. His sister even stopped talking to us.
Today is the day. I am going to Josh’s house to have dinner. When I get their I am blown away. They have this diamond chandelier and they have these Chinese carpets. They have yellow print design and red boarder. It was just magnificent. His mother cooked a amazing dinner. Josh’s parents said it was getting late so I better get home to my mom before she starts to worry. Josh walked me out to his car.
“They like you.” He said.
“They do?” I said. His parent were so nice and his sister was starting to be nice too. I would have been devastated if they didn’t. Josh nodded his head and opened his car door.
“I’ll see you in the morning. I will take you to breakfast.” He said while shutting the door. He has the most beautiful smile. His hair blew in the breeze.
“Make it a date. Eight o’clock, don’t be late.” I replied smiling back. He took me to the Owl Barn to have breakfast. We both had bacon and eggs. He was quiet for a while.
“How are you doing in school?” He asked.
“Good.” I said. I was wondering why he was making small talk. He looked into my eyes for a while.
“You are so beautiful. You have that sleepy look in your eyes. I dream about waking up with you by my side. I could wake up in the morning to your beautiful face.” He kept saying.
“What are you saying?” I asked while putting my drink down.
“Marry me.” He blurted out. I almost choked. “All we need is consent and we could live happily ever after. Its not hard Alexis. We could do it!” He said while holding me hand. I pulled it away.
“Have you been drinking?” I asked.
“No and I’m not high. The only thing that is powering me is love. Please. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He said.
“I’m only 16. I’m almost 17 and way too young. I want to be with you but I think you are moving a little bit fast.” I said. It was scaring me really. He wanted to get married at the age of 16. Is he crazy? I knew how he felt about me but how will we know if we will get mad at each other and move on. Thats the thing we don’t and he wants to try to see if it will work. I have no idea what to do so I paid for the bill and left him on his knees on the ground. People were staring at me. When I left and started to walk home I looked back. I saw him in the glass window looking at me with the most saddest eyes I have ever seen. He was heart broken and I did it to him. I knew what it felt like to be heart broken, so why did I do it to someone else? I felt so horrible. I went straight to Josh’s house the next morning but he wasn’t their. I went back to the restaurant and he was sitting on the front steps.
“Have you been here all night?” I asked.
“Yeah. For some reason I cant move.” He said. He looked so helpless. I sat down beside him. We sat their for hours, staring into nothing.
“We should go.” I said and then he turned to me.
“Do you love me?” He asked and I wasn’t sure what to say. I couldn’t not say anything because then he might think its a no. I paused for a second.
“Of course I do.” I said while putting one hand on the side of his face.
“Then why did you say no?” He asked and I knew the answer.
“I’m barely 17 and barely aloud to ride in a car alone. I’m not ready to be married. I’m sorry. If you want to break it off I’m o--” I started to say but he cut me off by putting his hand on my mouth. When he moved it he gave me a kiss so powerful that I fell back but we didn’t stop kissing. The owner of the restaurant came and saw us.
“Get a room.” He said while changing the closed sign to open. We both laughed and then sat up.
“I’m sorry for bringing it on you so fast, it wasn’t right.” Josh said.
“Its okay. I’m sorry for saying no.” I said and then we both laughed again. He helped me up.
“Lets go home.” He said. We decided to walk home because it was such a beautiful morning.
I haven’t talked to Lindsey in a week. We have been on Summer vacation. Josh came with me to drive to her house because we used his car. When I got their I saw Lindsey out side sitting on the porch.
“Hey Linds, what are you up to?” I said while getting out of the truck. Josh waited for me in the truck.
“Oh nothing. I haven’t talked to you in a while.” She said.
“Well we are going for ice cream and mini golfing. Wanna come?” I asked.
“I wouldn’t want to get in the middle of that love fest you got going on.” She said.
“I didn’t need the snotty remark, okay. I was just asking.” I said. I know I have been spending more time with Josh but I thought Lindsey would understand that. I guess not.
“Well you have spent every hour with him and I don’t get any part of you.” She began to get quieter and more sad. “I feel like I’m losing my best friend.”
“Lindsey, I love you. Not even a boyfriend is going to separate us.” I said while sitting next to her on the steps. We hugged and then she came with us to get ice cream.
“He will have a medium twist. She and I will
“Are you okay?” She asked with a very dearing voice. I nodded and then the bell rang. In the hallway Bethany came over to us.
“Whats wrong? Did the poor little Dikes get sad.” She said in a baby voice. She sounded so sarcastic but I could punch her like I wanted to because one more strike and my mom puts me in therapy. I kept walking but that wasn’t satisfying for her. “See Matts and Sidney’s grave lately?” She asked spinning around. That was it! I was going to sock’er right in the sucker but Josh came over. Josh was a Senior. He has light blond hair and light green eyes. He was taller than six feet and had a nice body. I have been crushing like a school girl on him since high school. I saw him walk over and its like everything went in slow-mo. I saw his semi-long hair bounce in the wind. Then he walked over and kissed me.
“Hey gorgeous.” He said while kissing me again. Just before I could say something I snapped out of my day dream.
“Whats your problem Beth! Mind your own! You late to class, so get lost before I write you up.” He said. He looked so handsome, so masculine, so hottt!!! But a guy like him don’t go for 11th graders like me. He came over and shook my hand and introduced himself. Lindsey introduced me and I stood their speechless until she purposely stepped on my foot.
“So how do you know the God Almighty Bethany.” I said with quotation marks. He giggled the cutest giggle I have ever heard.
“She is my sister.” He said and I couldn’t believe it. The guy I have dreamed about is the Demons flesh and blood. My day just got a million times worse. “So would you like to catch a movie so something sometime?” He asked and I thought he was talking to Lindsey so I didn’t answer. But then he looked straight at me and I realized it was me he was talking to.
“Oh, yeah, that sounds great.” I said with a stupid look and boy did I feel stupid.
“So I will pick you up at 8 on Saturday.” He said and I nodded. It seemed like forever till Saturday but I couldn’t just sit around and wait. Lindsey and I went shopping for what I should wear.
“You should go for sexy but not slutty. Poise but not hobo. You know what I mean?” She asked while holding up a shirt that showed more cleavage than a prostitute. I shook my head no but by the end of that horrifying day I found a outfit. It was a pair of American Eagle jeans, low cut shirt from Hollister, Aeropastal flip flops and my Old Navy purse. I usually wear all these things everyday but this was the first time I had someone pick out my clothes, but it made Lindsey happy.
When Josh pulled in he got out of his car and came to my door. He knocked and when I opened it he said something.
“Wow. You look beautiful.” He said while stepping in. I thanked him and then started to walk to his car door. He opened it for me and then shut it. On the ride their it was pretty quiet until he turned on the radio. He turned on Country and I almost fainted.
He looked at me. “Are you okay? Do you not like Country?” He asked.
“No, no, I love Country.” I replied smiling. The song Smile by Uncle Kracker came on and I said I loved this song and he said it was his favorite too. We sang along to it together and then when we pulled into the Movie Theatre he kissed me. He put one hand on my head and latched onto my hair and the other hand was around my waist. It was to passionate. I couldn’t believe this was happening. The dream that I always dream about is happening and I can’t think of anything to do. I kissed him back, after what felt like forever he pulled away.
“I’m sorry.” He said.
“No, no, don’t be, really.” I said.
“It was out of line.” He said but I cut him off. I leaned over and grabbed on his hair and kissed him. Then we pulled away.
“Was I out of line?” I asked being sarcastic and then he shook his head. I sat on top of him while he was in the drivers seat. We made out for what seemed like eternity. I knew if I didn’t stop then it would go to far. So I pulled away and looked at him. He asked if anything was wrong.
“No, nothings wrong. Its just I don’t want to push it.” I said. He sat me down on the passenger seat.
“I don’t want you to do anything that you are uncomfortable with. We can go as slow as you want.” He said. The rest of the night we laid on the hood of the car. He had one hand around my head and I had both hands around his waist. For so long I wanted to be so close to Josh and now I am.
I have never been so happy. Everybody at school thought I was high and one of my teachers even sent me to the guidance councilor. I was high, high on love. I have never felt so good in my whole life. I felt like my whole world was turning around. Josh came to see me at my house every single day and he never, not once, mentioned sex. When I’m with him its like all my worries are gone and I have nothing to fear. His sister even stopped talking to us.
Today is the day. I am going to Josh’s house to have dinner. When I get their I am blown away. They have this diamond chandelier and they have these Chinese carpets. They have yellow print design and red boarder. It was just magnificent. His mother cooked a amazing dinner. Josh’s parents said it was getting late so I better get home to my mom before she starts to worry. Josh walked me out to his car.
“They like you.” He said.
“They do?” I said. His parent were so nice and his sister was starting to be nice too. I would have been devastated if they didn’t. Josh nodded his head and opened his car door.
“I’ll see you in the morning. I will take you to breakfast.” He said while shutting the door. He has the most beautiful smile. His hair blew in the breeze.
“Make it a date. Eight o’clock, don’t be late.” I replied smiling back. He took me to the Owl Barn to have breakfast. We both had bacon and eggs. He was quiet for a while.
“How are you doing in school?” He asked.
“Good.” I said. I was wondering why he was making small talk. He looked into my eyes for a while.
“You are so beautiful. You have that sleepy look in your eyes. I dream about waking up with you by my side. I could wake up in the morning to your beautiful face.” He kept saying.
“What are you saying?” I asked while putting my drink down.
“Marry me.” He blurted out. I almost choked. “All we need is consent and we could live happily ever after. Its not hard Alexis. We could do it!” He said while holding me hand. I pulled it away.
“Have you been drinking?” I asked.
“No and I’m not high. The only thing that is powering me is love. Please. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He said.
“I’m only 16. I’m almost 17 and way too young. I want to be with you but I think you are moving a little bit fast.” I said. It was scaring me really. He wanted to get married at the age of 16. Is he crazy? I knew how he felt about me but how will we know if we will get mad at each other and move on. Thats the thing we don’t and he wants to try to see if it will work. I have no idea what to do so I paid for the bill and left him on his knees on the ground. People were staring at me. When I left and started to walk home I looked back. I saw him in the glass window looking at me with the most saddest eyes I have ever seen. He was heart broken and I did it to him. I knew what it felt like to be heart broken, so why did I do it to someone else? I felt so horrible. I went straight to Josh’s house the next morning but he wasn’t their. I went back to the restaurant and he was sitting on the front steps.
“Have you been here all night?” I asked.
“Yeah. For some reason I cant move.” He said. He looked so helpless. I sat down beside him. We sat their for hours, staring into nothing.
“We should go.” I said and then he turned to me.
“Do you love me?” He asked and I wasn’t sure what to say. I couldn’t not say anything because then he might think its a no. I paused for a second.
“Of course I do.” I said while putting one hand on the side of his face.
“Then why did you say no?” He asked and I knew the answer.
“I’m barely 17 and barely aloud to ride in a car alone. I’m not ready to be married. I’m sorry. If you want to break it off I’m o--” I started to say but he cut me off by putting his hand on my mouth. When he moved it he gave me a kiss so powerful that I fell back but we didn’t stop kissing. The owner of the restaurant came and saw us.
“Get a room.” He said while changing the closed sign to open. We both laughed and then sat up.
“I’m sorry for bringing it on you so fast, it wasn’t right.” Josh said.
“Its okay. I’m sorry for saying no.” I said and then we both laughed again. He helped me up.
“Lets go home.” He said. We decided to walk home because it was such a beautiful morning.
I haven’t talked to Lindsey in a week. We have been on Summer vacation. Josh came with me to drive to her house because we used his car. When I got their I saw Lindsey out side sitting on the porch.
“Hey Linds, what are you up to?” I said while getting out of the truck. Josh waited for me in the truck.
“Oh nothing. I haven’t talked to you in a while.” She said.
“Well we are going for ice cream and mini golfing. Wanna come?” I asked.
“I wouldn’t want to get in the middle of that love fest you got going on.” She said.
“I didn’t need the snotty remark, okay. I was just asking.” I said. I know I have been spending more time with Josh but I thought Lindsey would understand that. I guess not.
“Well you have spent every hour with him and I don’t get any part of you.” She began to get quieter and more sad. “I feel like I’m losing my best friend.”
“Lindsey, I love you. Not even a boyfriend is going to separate us.” I said while sitting next to her on the steps. We hugged and then she came with us to get ice cream.
“He will have a medium twist. She and I will
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