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III, c. 10; 12 Geo. III, c. 2. โ†ฉ

Below, here through here, and this section. โ†ฉ

It seems likely that Charles VIII is here (though not on the next page) confused with Charles of Anjou, brother of St. Louis. At any rate Hรฉnault (who is quoted below, here) says: โ€œNotre marine aussitรดt dรฉtruite que crรฉรฉe sous Philippe Auguste, sโ€™รฉtait bien rรฉtablie sous S. Louis si, comme le dit un historien, ce prince embarqua soixante-mille hommes ร  Aigues-mortesโ โ€Šโ โ€ฆ quant ร  la premiรจre expรฉdition, Joinville dit quโ€™au dรฉpart de Chypre pour la conquรชte de Damiette, il y avait dix-huit cents vaisseaux tant grands que petits. S. Louis avait aussi mis en mer une flotte considรฉrable pour dรฉfendre les cรดtes de Poitou contre la flotte de Henri III, et son frรจre Charles dโ€™Anjou en avait une de quatrevingts voiles, composรฉe de galรจres et de vaisseaux, lors de son expรฉdition de Naples.โ€ โ€”โ Nouvel Abrรฉgรฉ chronologique de lโ€™histoire de France, 1768, tom. i, p. 201, AD 1299. This puts the French marine 200 years earlier. โ†ฉ

โ€œPerchรจ ridotta tutta in somma pace e tranquillitร , coltivata non meno neโ€™ luoghi piรน montuosi, e piรน sterili, che nelle pianure, e regioni sue piรน fertili, nรจ sottoposta ad altro Imperio, che deโ€™ suoi medesimi, non solo era abbondantissima dโ€™ abitatori, e di richezze.โ€ โ€”โ Guicciardini, Della Istoria dโ€™ Italia, Venice, 1738, vol. i, p. 2 โ†ฉ

For other definitions of the purpose or nature of political economy see the index, s.v. โ†ฉ

There seems to be a confusion between Plano-Carpini, a Franciscan sent as legate by Pope Innocent IV in 1246, and Guillaume de Rubruquis, another Franciscan sent as ambassador by Louis IX in 1253. As is pointed out by Rogers in a note on this passage, the reference appears to be to Rubruquis, Voyage en Tartarie et ร  la Chine, chap. xxxiii. The great Khanโ€™s secretaries, Rubruquis states, on one occasion displayed curiosity about France: โ€œSโ€™enquรฉrant sโ€™il y avait force bล“ufs, moutons, et chevaux, comme sโ€™ils eussent dรฉjร  รฉtรฉ tous prรชts dโ€™y venir et emmener tout.โ€ Plano-Carpini and Rubruquis are both in Bergeronโ€™s Voyages faits principalement en Asie dans les xii, xiii, xiv et xv siรจcles, La Haye, 1735. โ†ฉ

There is very little foundation for any part of this paragraph. It perhaps originated in an inaccurate recollection of pp. 17, 18 and 77โ โ€“โ 79 of Some Considerations (1696 ed.), and ยงยง 46โ โ€“โ 50 of Civil Government. It was probably transferred bodily from the Lectures without verification. See Lectures, p. 198. โ†ฉ

See this note. โ†ฉ

Ed. 1 reads โ€œexpect least of all.โ€ โ†ฉ

The words โ€œforth of the realmโ€ occur in (January) 1487, c. 11. Other acts are 1436, c. 13; 1451, c. 15; 1482, c. 8. โ†ฉ

Ed. 1 reads โ€œincrease it.โ€ โ†ฉ

Englandโ€™s Treasure by Foreign Trade, or the Balance of Our Foreign Trade Is the Rule of Our Treasure, 1664, chap. iv, ad fin., which reads, however, โ€œwe will rather accompt him a mad man.โ€ โ†ฉ

Mun, Englandโ€™s Treasure, chap. vi. โ†ฉ

โ€œAmong other things relating to trade there hath been much discourse of the balance of trade; the right understanding whereof may be of singular use.โ€ โ€”โ Josiah Child, New Discourse of Trade, 1694, p. 152, chap. ix., introducing an explanation. The term was used before Munโ€™s work was written. See Palgraveโ€™s Dictionary of Political Economy, s.v. Balance of Trade, History of the theory. โ†ฉ

This sentence appears first in ed. 2. Ed. 1 begins the next sentence, โ€œThe high price of exchange therefore would tend.โ€ โ†ฉ

โ€œInโ€ is a mistake for โ€œby.โ€ โ†ฉ

Here and four lines higher Eds. 1โ โ€“โ 3 read โ€œif there was.โ€ โ†ฉ

Ed. 1 reads โ€œin.โ€ โ†ฉ

Eds. 1โ โ€“โ 3 read โ€œif it was.โ€ โ†ฉ

The absence of any reference to the long Digression in bk. i, chap. xi, suggests that this passage was written before the Digression was incorporated in the work. Contrast the reference below, here. โ†ฉ

Ed. 1 reads โ€œnot only without any inconveniency but with very great advantages.โ€ โ†ฉ

This probably refers to here, though the object there is rather to insist on the largeness of the saving effected by dispensing with money, and here through here. โ†ฉ

Eds. 1โ โ€“โ 3 read โ€œwas it not.โ€ โ†ฉ

Present State of the Nation (see this note), p. 28. โ†ฉ

Eds. 1โ โ€“โ 3 read โ€œwas.โ€ โ†ฉ

Ed. 1 reads โ€œaccording to the exaggerated computation of Mr. Horsely.โ€ โ†ฉ

Lectures, p. 199. โ†ฉ

The Present State of the Nation, Particularly with Respect to Its Trade, Finances, etc., etc., Addressed to the King and Both Houses of Parliament, 1768 (written under the direction of George Grenville by William Knox), pp. 7, 8. โ†ฉ

Above, here through here. โ†ฉ

In place of these two sentences ed. 1 reads โ€œA considerable part of the annual surplus of its manufactures must indeed in this case be exported without bringing back any returns. Some part of it, however, may still continue to bring back a return.โ€ โ†ฉ

History, chaps. xix and xx, vol. iii, pp. 103, 104, 165 in ed. of 1773. โ†ฉ

Below, here. โ†ฉ

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