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someone else." I said finally looking up at him.

"But, he was so excited to see you agian." Dimitri said, looking confused

"I know, I don't understand any of it." I said with tears coming to my eyes, I cared about him, more than I had realized. 

"It will be okay," Dimitri said taking me into his arms until I had cryed myself dry. I stayed in his room for the rest of the day, not ready to face the rest of the world. "I think we need to get you to your room for the night." Dimitri said from beside me. I just nodded. He walked me to my room. When we got to my door I dug the keys out of my pocket. Dimitri kissed me on the forhead "You know where I'll be if you need me" He said looking me into the eyes. I nodded at him showing him I understood. He stayed there until I was saftly in my room. I layed down on my bed and layed there all night, unable to sleep. I get up the next day and prepare for training, knowing the hard, hands on combat training would help take my mind of things. I get to the gym before Dimitri and start my warm ups when Kriss comes in the gym.

"Hey, I thought I may join you today for your training session." I look at him and nod with a small smile, showing him nothing of what I was feeling inside. 

"Thats fine, how was your trip." I asked finishing my streached, really hopping Dimitri would have us spar, I couldnt wait to knock his lights our. 

"It was enjoyable, Mom was happy to have me back for a while." He said standing there watching me.

"Well, thats good, I bet she misses you, I know my mom misses having us in the house." I said, heading to the locker room to get my water bottle, on my way back out I hear an unmistakable voice, before i rounded the corner, the same one I heard last night. I peek around the corner and am as silent as I can be. I see Kriss holding a petete blonde in his arms. I walk around the corner with my arms crossed.

"So this is the little tramp you were with last night, " I said angrly, my hurt bubbled over.

"What are you talking about," he said, "this is my cusin." he said trying to lie.

"Nice try, but normal people dont sleep with there cusins." I said glairing at him

"Who is she," said the blonde

"His girlfriend." I said flatly at her, fixing her with a stare, "and who are you"

"His fiance" she said looking at him "you never told me you were seeing someone else"

"Welcome to my world" I said hating her a little less, "wait did you say fiance" I said confused

"Yes, its an arranged marrage, since we were little its been planned, we got together officially just before he left for school." She said looking at me,

"I'm so sorry, if I had known..." I started but she cut me off

"Don't worry about it, Its not your fault, Just wait till his parents hear about this," She said crossing her arms fixing him with a look. Kriss stormes out of the room

"Well, I'm sorry for causing you to so much troble, I'm Nicole by the way," I said extending my hand to her

"Brittiany." She said as I examine her, Tall with light blond hair that had a tint of red in it, pretty brown eyes and small curves. 

"Its good to meet you Brittany. If you ever need help dealing with him you let me know." I offered as she went to leave.

"Thank you Nicole, You know, excluding the circumstances of our meeting, you seem like a very nice person, I can see why Kriss liked you, I hope to see you agian." She said smiling a briliant and beautiful smile at me. "But I have a feeling our engagment is off." She said with sad eyes. 

"I'm sorry, you really seemed to love him." I said as Tommy walked in

"Hey sis...." he started till he looked up and saw brittany "Have you seen Luce" he finished still stairng at her

"Umm, no actually I haven't, Have you meet Brittany, Kriss's fiance." I said introducing them "Brittany this is my twin brother Tommy." I said

"Nice to meet you" she said looking with intrest. Tommy didn't say anything at first

"Wait did you say his fiance." He questioned a little outraged.

"Yep," me and Brittany said together

"Where is his lying ass," Tommy mummble as he left the room in a wave of fury

"Wow, thats one fine man." Brittany said in aww

"So I hear," I told her. "Ya know I heard him talking this morning about ditching his girl, he may be single before long, it be kinda cool to have another girl in the family." I said looking at her. She looked at me and smiled

"Sounds like we may have a plan." She said with a wicked look, "See you around Nicole." She said leaveing the room just as Dimitri came in

I staired at the door she had left through,

"What's going on, who was that girl." Dimitri asked, I looked at him, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders.

"That was Kriss's fiance, now ex fiance." I informed him with a grimice. "Nice girl" I said turning to prepare for class

"What, he was engaged." he said confused

"Yea, who knew." I said shrugging it off, feeling much better. I gave him a smile and walked back to the center of the gym. "Well, are we going to get started." I asked bouncing on my toes. He chuckles and followed me, obviously relived to see me feeling better. We practiced for the rest of the hour before I head back to my room and finish the rest of my classes. After school, I head to Lucy's room for a little girl time to find Brittiany there, sitting on the couch giggling with Luce

"Hey Brittiany, didn't expect you to be here" I said sitting down beside her

"Oh hey, I'm Lucy's new roommate." She said , "You have obviously meet her, since you came in uninvited." 

"Yea, she's my sister." I said eating Lucy's untuched sandwich.

"Hey, that was my dinner." Luce exclamed

"Not anymore." I said with a mouth full

"Its kinda obvious when you two are together." she laughed.

"I'll be back I have to get me anouther sandwich" Luce said leaving the room with a smile on her face. I finished her sandwhich before starting on the chips.

"You and Lucy don't look anything alike." Brittany said 

"I don't look like any of my family, Not real sure why, or where I get my looks." I said licking my fingers

"You guys act alike though, its so obvious you are related. You all seem to like each other." She said eating some of the chips left on Luce's plate.

"You have never met Stephan. We get along okay, but he is so much different than the rest of us, he's on this floor as well, wanna go meet him." I asked swinging my feet of the arm of the couch

"Sure, I am always up to meeting new people." She said grabbing her key and leaving Luce an note before following me out the door. We came to Stephans room, I knocked. His weird roommate answered the door.

"Oh hey Nicole." He said looking me over "Stephan, Your sisters here." he started as his eyes meet Brittany. "And shes got a friend." he finished as I heard Stephan roll out of his bed and throw down his book.

"Hey sis, whats up, do you need anything." he questioned, sounding alarmed

"No, calm down, I'm fine, I wanted you to meet Lucy's new roommate, Brittany." I introduced them letting myself in, sitting on Stephans bed. He was reading his favorate poet, Edgar Allen Poe.

"Do you ever read anything else." I teased him tossing it on his pillow. He smiles at me

"Of course, but someone took all my other books." He said sitting down beside me, bumping his shoulder into mine.

"Well, someone has them in their room if you want them back." I said looking at him with a smile

"Naw, keep them there, I dont have room for them right now. If I want one I'll just come by your room" he said laying back on his bed. "We should do something together, like we used to Just you, Me, Luce, and Tommy." He said turning his head to look at me

"Sounds wonderful, I have been overworked latley, anything specific in mind." I asked

"We could go to our old spot in the woods," He said giving me a look, I understood compleatly, He wanted a hunt.

"Really," I said getting excited

"Sure, If you guys wanted to." he said sitting back up

"You guys have your own place in the woods." Brittany piped in, I had forgotten she was there

"Yea, nothing to big, just a small area no one ever goes to." I said trying to make it sound boring. "We used to take our dates back there. Mom never found out about it." I said smiling at the memories of our distant past. "I'll let Tommy and Luce know, see ya Stephan, I'll give you a call to make plans." I said walking out the door pushing Brittany down the hall. 

"Why are we in such a hurry," Brittany asked when we got back to her room. I open the door,

"Luce family meeting, my room one hour." I said before hunting Tommy down. I found him in the library and relayed the message of the meeting. Then I message Stephan and let him know. One hour latter the four of us were in my room

"So whats up, " Tommy asked spinning my chair to look at me. 

"Well, Stephan wanted to hang out like we used to, Why dont you tell it was your idea." I said looking at Stephan

"I thought we could go back to our clearning." he said with the same look as earlier.

"Oh," Tommy said as understanding sank in. "sounds like a plan, this weekend we will meet up by Nicoles car." he said putting the plan into action.

"Yes!!!" I exlamed and hopped up from the bed. The others laughed at me, and we all pile up on my bed and talk late into the night like we used to, it hadnt been this way in a long time. I missed it. 



Publication Date: 06-05-2013

All Rights Reserved

I would like to dedicate this to by best friend Brooklyn for giving me the inspiration to write this, thank you.

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