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you have class to teach" I said ushering him out the door. I walk over to my desk and sit down in my chair, suddenly feeling depressed, and knowing that its because of the look in his eyes. When he hurts, it hurts me. I get up, deciding that it wont help him for me to be depressed and head to Lucy's room. When I get there I  hear her giggling from the otherside of the door. I knock and crack the door open

"Whats so funny in here" I say as I stick my head trough the door to see Jill sitting in Luces lap "Hey, why wasnt auntie told that Jilly was comming." I said acting kinda hurt. It only made Jill giggle and wiggle wanting to be put down. She walked wobbly over to me and wrapped her arms around my knees. I lean down and pick her up 

"Hey kiddo" I said giving her a kiss on her forehead before spining her around, Giggleing just as much as she was. I put her back down and she goes over to a little bag in the corner of Luces room and sat down on the floor to play. 

"Did mom bring her over." I asked sitting down next to Luce.

"Yea, she said she had a lot to do and needed Jill out of the house." She said laying her legs across my lap.

"Wait isint it her birthday today." I wispered to Luce

"OMG, yes, I cant believe I forgot." she said jumping up "care to watch her for a while, I've got shopping to do," Luce said slightly panicked.

"Of course." I said going over to help Jill pack her things "Hey kiddo, You're gonna hang out with auntie Nicole for a while, Mommy has stuff she needs to do." I said as I pick her up and head out the door. On the way to my room I thought about Dimitri and the way he looked this morning, suddenly getting an idea, so I turned around and took Jill and headed to the Gym where I knew Dimitri would be. I get to the door and tell Jill that we were going to hang out with a friend of mine. I walk throught the door to see Dimitri working with Tommy.

"Well, look at that Jilly, Uncle Tommy's here." I said as I sat her down. Tommy turns around

"Hey munchkine." he said squating and catching her just before she fell at his feet "Where is your mommy," he asked

"She had some shopping to do," I said hoping he would get the hint, "her and Gramaw had shopping to do" I said

"ah, so we get to spend the day with our little Jilly" he said tickling her tummy before setting her down. She runs around Tommy's legs before she saw Dimitri. She stops and lookes at him, she lookes over at me and points to him, her way of asking me who he was.

"Thats my friend I was telling you about." I said. She clapps her hands and stumbles over and hugs his legs. He stands still for a moment, before a big smile spreads across his face. He squates down to her level. 

"Well hello there Jill," he said as he shook her hand. she shook his back before she got a determined look in her eye, I was standing there trying to figure out what she was up to when she tackles him knocking him backward. I was so shocked I just stood there laughing. He layes there for amoment before fighting back. he tickles her sides and she squirms free running across the gym with Dimitri on her heels.

"I knew this was a good idea." I told Tommy crossing my arms across my chest

"Huh," he said confused

"I ran into Mr. Stevenson this morning, he seemed kinda upset, so when Luce asked me to watch her while she went shopping, I figured he couldnt stay upset with her around, its impossible, and I was right." I said wathcing them play. Me and Tommy sat in the gym floor watching the two run around and play for hours, soon it was dark and I picked Jill up of the bleachers where she had fallen asleep.

"Wow, I didnt know you were that good with children." I said to Dimitri after Tommy left

"Yea, I had a little neafew back home." He said giving me a smile

"Well, I better ger her back to Luce, she will be looking for her soon."  I said turning to leave. he grabbed my shoulder and spun me around softly 

"Sorry about this morning, I didnt mean to worry you with my problems, I just had a bout of homesickness." he said 

"Its okay, thats what I'm here for, to talk to," I said giving him a warm smile

"I know, thank you" he said softly before giving me a kiss and heading out the door. I smiled and headed back to Luces room. I kicked to door slighly, she had left it cracked to she her unpacking Jills stuff. she jumped trying to hide it when I came in

"Dont worry birthday girl is fast asleep." I told her with a wispered laugh. as I layed her down on the sofa and covered her with Lucy's favorite blanket. " She played hard today, I have to get going though, I have class in the morning. See ya Luce" I said heading back out the door heading back to my room. I went straight to bed and fell asleep pretty fast that night.

I woke up the next morning, streached and got up to prepare for class. I gathered my books and headed to my morning training session. I walked into the gym to see Dimitri working with a woman I didnt know.

"Goodmorning." I said standing there not knowing what to do

"Good morning Ms. Charleston, This Is Ms. Hemmingway. Roses Mother, one of the best gaurdians to come from this school." He said introducing us. "Ms. Hemmingway, this is my student, Nycole Charleston." he said motioning to me

"I have heard alot about her, madame Trinity is quite fond of her, so much potential." she said with a beeming smile

"Thank you Ms. Hemmingway." I said with a bow

"Please when you call me that it makes me sound old, call me Malisssa." she said shaking my hand

"Its good do meet you Malissa." I said shaking her hand back

"Malissa will be helping with this training session." Dimitri informed me 

"Awsome, so what will we be doing." I asked eager to learn

"Well, Mr. Stevenson has informed me off what you can do, but I would like to see for my self, we will be working in the combat circle." She said wrapping her hands. I followed suit and followed her into the circle. Getting into fighting position taught to me by my old master. I watched her center and caught the movement before it happened. She lunged at me from the left, I side stepped to the right and caught her arm, spinning her around and pinning her arm to her back before knocking her knees out from under her and knocking her out of the circle. We continued practicing for a while.

"You are really good, the things I have heard are true, I am not dissapointed. Who taught you before you came here." She asked placing her hands on her hips and taking a more casuall stance

"I havnt had an instructer for hundreds of years. My last instructure was Master Mikea Longgate. One the best instructures of that time." I informed her with a sad look in my eyes

"Hundreds of years, how old are you, you only look Seventeen." she asked with a quizical look on her face

"Me and my twin brother Tommy are about 550 years old, We were born in Ireland in 1555." I informed her with a shrug.

"Oh wow. I havnt meet anyone as old as you in a while." she said with a smile "you must have so much experince, how have you keep you skills in tact so long." she asked

"Me and Tommy practiced every day, either with each other or individually." I told her

"Well, that shows good disapline, your gonna make a good gaurdian." she said with a smile. "Well,  I usually don't approve of skipping school, but how about we go find something to eat," She said with a mischievious smile. I smiled back

"Sounds like a plan, I have nothing big going on today any way," I said. Pulling out my phone to tell Tommy to take notes in Biology. 

ollowing them out I offered to drive, both of them accepting the offer. I walk around the building and to the student parking lot when Malissa came up beside me.

"So, you said you and this Tommy practiced every day, if its not to personal who is he." she asked looking over at me.

"He is my twin brother, and no it wasnt to personal." I said giving her a smile, we came to the part of the lot my car was located, I pulled out my keys and hit the unlock button. My mustang beeped letting me know it unlocked. Malissa looked at it with envy

"That's your car." she asked obviously wanting it

"Yea, my dad bought it after we moved back down here, Tommy got a brand new chevy." I told her climbing in the drivers seat and hookin my phone up to the surround system and turning my favorite song on. I'm just a bit of a Metal head. As Malissa climbed into the front seat beside me, I noticed she was singing along.

"You know this song," I asked, slightly shocked

"Yes, its my favorite band, what kind of girl do you take me for," she aksed acting offended 

"Sorry I just wasent expecting you to know them, Most of my tutors didnt like me listening to this kind of music, they said it rotted the brain." I said looking appolgetic

"It's okay, I'm not the normal tutor either, we are all full of suprises today," she said with a smile "May I see what music you have on here," she asked pointing to my phone

"Sure, " I told her pulling it from the holder and handing her my phone before pulling out of the parking lot. "So where are we going?" I asked turning onto the highway from the school

"There is a small diner about five miles away from here, Its called Bob's bar and grill." Malissa said putting on a song I had forgotten I had. I started singing to it, Malissa picked up harmony quickly. We sang to the song, when the next song came on I got quiet looking for the turn off Malissa had told me about when I here Dimitri quietly singing in the back seat. He had a lovely voice.

"Well, I didnt know you could sing." I said looking in the rearveiw mirror at him. He got quiet and looked at his feet. I smiled at him but left it at that, not wanting to push it, he was obviously embarrased.

"So Malissa, your last name in Hemmingway, correct." I asked her making small talk

"That would be correct," she said flipping through more of my songs

"Would you, by any chance, be related to Riki Hemmingway." I asked 

"Yes, she is my daughter." she informed me picking another really good song."Oh, you dont look old enough to have a daugher her age." I said slightly shocked

"Thank you, but she is my daughter, though I am ashamed to call her that, she has disgraced the family with her behaivor latly." she said with a sneer.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didnt mean to make you upset, I hadnt heard about her getting into trouble." I said and looked toward the road.

"Its fine, its not widley known, they tryed to keep it quiet. she had become infatuated with someone." She said looking in the rearveiw mirror. I could only guess.

"I am truley sorry." I said finally pulling into the diner parkinglot, parking the car I gathered my stuff and got out of the car "Well I

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