American library books Β» Fiction Β» THE LIFE OF A TEENAGE VAMPIRE by Veronica Gibson (free children's ebooks pdf .txt) πŸ“•

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am starved lets go eat." I said with a smile hoping to bring back the good mood from earlier. It seemed to work, Malissa smiled at me.

"Your mother must be so proud to have a daugher like you. You are so friendly and dedicated to your values." she said with a warm smile.

"Thank you, I try hard." I said smiling back at her as we enter the diner. We took a table in the corner. I sit across from Malissa, Dimitri slid in beside her, obviously not wanting to draw attention to our relationship. "So how long have you been at your job." I asked as we ordered our drinks. 

"I've been working with the Malgos for about twenty years. I started a few years before Riki was born. She has kinda hated me for sending her to the school so young." she said and looked down. I reached across the table and put my hand on her shoulder

"I compleatly understand why you did, you enjoyed your job, and you did what was best for her. You seem to be a great mother, with just that one choice, she will see that when she is older and has children of her own." I said and looked her in the eyes.

"Thanks" she said looing back at me with a kind look in her eyes. the waiter came back to get our orders. I ordered the biggest thing on the menu. I was starving. I may be small but I can eat like any man could. Our food came and I dug into mine. We had a fun eaisy time the rest of the meal. When we got done, Dimitri got the tab. 

"I have never seen a girl your size eat that much." Malissa said with a laugh

"I have always had a big appitite, I have a really high matablism, and I am always running around," I said shrugging. Dimitri comes out to the car.

"Well, I think we need to get you back before someone realises you are gone." Dimitri said looking at me. We get back in my car and head back to the school. 

"Well, I think I'm gonna head to my room, it was nice to meet you." Malissa said with a smile looking at me

" It was nice to meet you to, I have a feeling we will see each other more often," I said smiling at her back

"Oh yes, I enjoyed hanging around with you, I hope we can do it again soon." she said

"How long are you in town." I asked, hoping it would be for a little while

"A month," she informed me

"Great we can go bowling next weekend with my brother and his girlfriend." I said with a smile

"Sounds great see ya later" she said waving at us as she headed to the guest dorm

"Well, that was an enjoyable evning." I said heading back to the gym to get my stuff I had left there. Dimitri followed I could feel his eyes on me. I look back and he was looking at me.

"What?" I questioned stopping just inside the door of the gym, standing in front of him. He just continued looking at me. 

"I havnt seen Malissa that happy in a while.You really helped her today." he said as he continued looking at me

"I enjoyed hanging out with her, she is a wonderful person." I said looking up at him. "Unlike her daugher." I said looking away, remebering the day I witnessed her outing with Dimitri.

"Yea well, some people dont learn." He said, I noticed he had moved closer to me. He layed his hands on my arms, they were so warm. I looked up at him. He pulled me in and hugged me tight. I wrapped my arms around him not wanting him to let go. He takes my chin and tilts my face up to his and he kisses me ever so softly. slowly it deepened and became more hot. All to soon he pulled away and held onto my hands

"When Malissa was talking about her daughter getting into truble, she ment with me. Though they blamed it all on her, it had been what we planned, but when she said that it terrified me. I was scared of losing you." he said so senseraly. " We have to be careful." He said kissing me once more. "Good night, I expect to see you here bright and early for practice." he said leaning his forhead against mine before letting me go and leaving the gym. I walked back to my room in a daze. that was the most feeling I had ever seen him display, and it was for me. I smiled as I unlocked my door. I changed for bed and curled up in bed, falling to sleep fast and having sweet, wonderful dreams.

I woke up tuesday morning, feeling refreashed. I changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top for practice, and found some breakfast before heading to the gyme with my bag. I got so many looks from other students. My sheathes were visable. No one had ever actually seen them. One kid from my math class came up beside me

"Wow, Nicole, do you always carry those with you?" he asked

"Yep", I said taking a bite of my apple "Most of the time You dont see them." I said looking over at them. He was cute in a little kid way. He had mousy brown hair cut just above his eyes, that had one straind that refused to lay down with sparkling green eyes, like spring grass. His nose was speckled with freckles and his face still had a slight roundness about it.

"Wow, I had heard rumurs you were dangerous, I never believed them." He said getting excited.

"Well, I'm only dangerous if you give me a reason to be, you have nothing to worry about Mike." I said giving him a smile and punching him in the arm playfully, we had gotten to the gym by this time

"Well, I have training I have to get to, See you in calculus." I said waving at him as i walked through the gym doors. Dimitri was alone this time. "Hey, Is Malissa not helping us today." I asked

"No, she had trouble with RIki yesterday." He said looking up at me and smiled

"What" I said looking down at my clothes, hoping i didnt have food on them

"Nothing, you skin works well with that color, and you have lovly legs." he said walking over to me and poked my nose. I had worn blue jean shorts that hit about mid thigh, and a cream tank top, I knew they looked good on me, Just about as well as black did. I smiled at him and walked to the bleachers to put my bag down and wrap my hands for class. After my hands were wrapped properley, I turned to look at him for instructions, he was gone. I sat down on the gym floor to start my streached. I was working on my calf muscles when he came back in.

"Where did you go." I asked him still holding onto my toes.

"I had to run to my room real quick. we can start when you are ready." he said from across the gym. I look up and he has his back turned to me. I streach my other leg. before standing up and comming up behind him. I wrap my arms around his waist. 

"What are we doing today." I asked laying my head on his sholder blade. He placed his hands on my arms.

"We arent doing much today, some hands on combat." he said turning to face me looking down at me he walks around the gym to the practice circle. I sigh and follow him. I entered the practice circle and got into combat mode. I turned to look at him just as he lunged at me. Catching me off guard he knocked me to the floor, pinning my arms down he sits across my hips, smiling down at me. 

"Got ya," he said with a small smile before he leaned down and kiss me just behind my ear. My breath caught in my throught as he continued kissing down my neck. I heard movement outside the door.

"Someones comming." I wispered in his ear as I threw him off and got into position as though we had not been laying in the floor like that, just as Kriss entred the room

"Kriss." I said kinda shocked to see him "I thought you wernt due back till monday." I asked

"Mom got sick and sent me back early." he said, smiling. He came over and kissed me "Did you miss me." he asked

"Not here, we will talk later." I said nodding over at Dimitri. "I meet you in your room in thirty minutes," I informed him ushering him to the door.

"Oh okay," he said shutting the door behind him.

"That was close," I said walking back to Dimitri. I wrap my arms around his waist. "Whats wrong." I asked at he looked across the room instead of at me

"I forgot he was comming back. The way he touches you, It gets me." He said looking at me with a small smile. "But on the other hand, I can get this reaction from you," he said as he kissed behind my ear again and I sighed. Laughing I pull myself away from him

"As much as I hate to leave, Kriss is expecting me." I said kissing him on the lips and head to Kriss's room

Chapter six

When I got to Kriss and Tommy's room, I heard a booming laugh from the otherside of the door, it could not be mistaken for anybody elses except Kriss. Then I heard something that hit me down deep, a small feminine laugh. I stopped outside the door and leaned in. Sure enough I heard the girly laugh again. Slowly I opened the door, just enough to see without being seen, to see Kriss laying over a small, Blonde, Feminine frame, Kissing along her jaw line. 

                                  I quicky shut the door and sink to the floor. He had lied to me, He told me he missed me, and now he was messing around with some blonde tramp. I get back up and head to the gym. Dimitri wasnt there when I got there so I headed to his room. He wasnt there either, I entered his room and curled up in his floor and cryed. Why did it hurt so much. I had been doing the exact same thing to him, but this seemed different. I was still in the floor when Dimitri came in, I had cried myself dry and was in a haze. He rushed over to me, picking me up he took me over to his bed and layed me down, getting me a glass of water he sat down beside me.

"What happend." He asked pushing my hair out of my face. It took me a minute to be able to respond. I sat up slowly

"He's cheating on me." I said slowly not looking up from the bed spread.

"What." Dimitri questioned.

"Kriss, I went to meet him in his room and he was with

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