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Read book online «THE LIFE OF A TEENAGE VAMPIRE by Veronica Gibson (free children's ebooks pdf .txt) 📕».   Author   -   Veronica Gibson

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Let me start by introducing myself, I am Nicole Lyann Charleston. Daughter of her Higness Lillian Charleston and Lord Andrew Charleston. Yes that does make me a princess and I would be ruling there if we had stayed where we were, our home.

It started May of 1706 in Boeland, Ireland. I was a young girl of 16 at the time

We were out on the court lawn; Thomas, Lucy, Stephan, and I; playing our favorite childhood games. Mother was strolling the beautiful gardens nearby. Us kids were the first to spot our father. He was telling us just as our mother reached us that we were moving. Not just somewhere else in Ireland, but across an ocean to the new world.

            That is how I came to be in the states, or at the time the few colonies starting along the west coast. Tommy and I weren’t too happy about moving from home, but Lucy and Stephan were peachy about it for they had always wanted to travel. As time went on and the colonies grew into the many states we know today, I was finding myself loving all the things I found displeasing upon our arrival. I was also seeing changes within myself as well, I lost my precious Irish accent and gained the southern accent of the men and women ‘round the southern states where we held residence for three years. Back then people couldn’t know what we were or they would hunt us down and destroy us, so we had to move around a lot.

            The years had come and gone and it was 2010  before we moved back to Kentucky. My sister was expecting a little girl. Mother had four more children; Matthew, Dillon, Anthony, and Henry. Father had become the owner of a worldwide cooperation so our family had some money. Thomas and  Stephan had grown into fine young gentlemen, and I had grown into a “proper” young lady, or so my parents thought. I was being courted by a nice young man from a wealthy family. He eventually died of influenza. After my sister had her baby, mother sent us kids to a school that trains young novices called the academy.

Chapter one


            “We’re doing what!!!” yelled my siblings, scarily in unison.

  “Going to school at the academy for novices,” mom replied smoothly, peeling potatoes for supper. I had been leaning against the counter listening to the entire conversation. As I stood there thinking it suddenly seemed like a good idea.

            “Guys this might be a good thing.” I piped in. Thomas spun around to face me

  “What,” he yelled furiously,

            “Well, think about it Tommy, you and I are the only two with any kind of combat training and that’s very little  cus mom needed our help then we couldn’t find anyone else to finish teaching us.’ I started, “plus, it wouldn’t hurt for them to know how to defend themselves properly.” I finished. Tommy sat there for a minute

            “Good point sis,” he said “okay with that point taken I say lets do it”


            Our siblings complained all the way to the school the next day for registration and experience testing. We met the head mistress, Miss. Trinity.

            “Hello, you must be Mrs. Charleston,” she started

   “Please call me Lilly,” my mom corrected her   

            “Okay, Lilly, I got all of the paperwork but one, I will have you fill that out while I brief you in on how this test works.”

            “Okay,” replied my mom

 “I will send the children, one by one, to take the test, after each have finished I will let you know the results.” She said “we will start with the youngest, Henry, please follow me” she said as she steered Henry out of the room.

            Seven tests later it was my turn. When she brought Tommy back in I stood, straightened my back and followed her out. She took me down a long hallway and through a set of double doors into a room that looked to be a gym.

            “your test will be on your ability to take an opponent.” She started “your opponent will be Mr. Stevenson, one of our best combat teacher we have ever had.” She finished as my opponent came in. I had to stop what I was doing to stare, he was drop dead gorgeous, he was tall with brown shoulder length hair, a sculpted, square jaw and the most beautiful eyes you have ever seen.

            “Well, Miss Charleston. We will begin when you change.” He told me, looking up at me

            “My names Nicole,” I informed him, sounding horribly like my mother. We began the test and the first thing I realized was, this guy is FAST, it was a good thing I was faster.

            When the test was over I rejoined my family in the office. The head mistress gave us the results and put us in appropriate grade levels for each of our experience levels. Tommy and me were both juniors and the others were freshmen. She then gave us our schedules and sent us to class. I looked at my schedule and the first class I had was training with, none other than, Mr. Stevenson. Great, I thought, I’m stuck with this guy for an hour and a half.

            I walked into the gym to see he had changed into sweat pants and a t-shirt. He looked up when I walked in.

            “Good morning Nicole,” he said making an effort to show he remembered my name

            “You remembered my name, I’m impressed.” I replied

            “Wow, Love the sarcasm.” He shot back, clearly upset

  “No, I’m serious, most people can’t remember my name even after knowing me for a while, so you remembering my name after only meeting me once really does impress me.” I informed him.

            “Oh, do people really have that much trouble remembering your name?” he asked

            “Yes, can we start training now.” I asked.

            “Of course,” he replied with a comical smirk on him face.

            “what,” I asked popping my knuckles.       

            “Well, it’s that most students prefer to uses some kind of weapon when they train with me.” He informed me

            “Really?” I said smiling pulling out my weapon of choose.

            “A stick?” he asked with a quizzical look on his face.       

“Yes, “ was all I said, letting the rod extend then swung it around once and entered the practice circle.

            “Okay.” He said with a laugh, and lunged at me. I dogged and wacked him with “the stick”, he lost his balance and tumbled out of the circle.
            “Point” I declared. This went on for a little while. He finally gave up trying to get a good hit in.       

            “how did you get so good with that thing?” he asked.

            “I practice for three hours a day and have been practicing for years.” I answered

            “wow” was all he had to say. I changed back into my school clothes just as the bell rang for my next class, which I had with my brother Tommy. I entered class and sat down at the biology table.

            “How was training.” Tommy asked,

            “slow and kinda boring. I really hope he finds some way to challenge me.” I replied

            “kinda figured you would find it easy.” He said

  “yea, so when do you have training.” I asked

            “next block.” He informed me

  “who do you have.” I asked as I found my biology book.

            “Ummm. “ he said, starting to pull out his schedule. “Louis Feldman.” He finished. The teacher came in just then. She was a little old lady with white hair piled on top of her head in a style only little old ladies could pull off.

            “good morning class,  my name is Mrs. Daisy Chilton. We will start on page 120 in your books.” She said as she wrote the assignment on the board. The rest of the day went by in a blur. At the end of the day I meet up with Lucy in the way to my dorm, which in my opinion was way to far away from the school.

            “how was your first day?” Lucy asked.      

 “I don’t know, I sleep through most of it.” I replied        

            “Well I had a great day, I made lots of new friends, we are actually gonna go get pizza wanna come with.” She asked

            “I don’t think so, I’m gonna try and unpack then maybe homework.” I started, stopping to look at her “big maybe there.” I finished letting myself into my dorm in the process. “night sis.” I called over my shoulder. I shut the door behind me and looked around the room. My stuff was the only stuff in the room  other than the standard furnishings. Looks like I got the room to myself, sweet.

            I dropped my backpack by the door and grabbed the nearest box and plopped down on my bed to start going through it. I took out my pocketknife and cut through the tape and pulled stuff out. It was all clothes. I started putting my clothes away and before I finished unpacking the second box I had fallen asleep. When I woke up. The box had tumbled into the floor spilling its contents. So I got up to pick it all up. When I got to the bottom of the pile, there was a picture, it was me and my best friend, Natalia, who lived in Italy, it had been the first time we meet each other in person. I stood there, staring at the picture almost in tears, for three years ago she had been brutally murdered by a man who still  hadn’t been caught.

            I jumped nearly dropping the picture when my brother, Tommy, knocked on the door, yelling at me to get up and get ready, that mom was here to have breakfast with us. I put the picture on the nightstand and went to open the door.

            “Tommy, tell mom I will meet up will ya’ll, I really need a shower, I fell asleep before I could take one last night and I feel grimy.” I told him

            “Will do” he promised, turning on his heels and heading down the hall. I shut the door, grabbed a change of clothes, my toiletry bag and headed to the bathroom. After a nice hot shower, I stood in front of the mirror, in my towel, and blow-dried my hair, brushed my teeth and put my clothes on, a pair of dark blue jeans and a red v-neck shirt with a black rose on it, and headed out of the room, grabbing my wallet, phone, boe-staff and daggers on the way out. I called my mom on the way to my car.

            “hey where are we going to eat.” I asked after she answered

            “ that little buffet that we passed just before we got to the school.” She replied

            “All right, I will meet ya’ll there.” I said

            “okay,” my mom hung up, that woman never said good-bye. When I got to  my car I put my stuff in

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