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the scream. I came to the source; it was Riki’s room. I knocked

            “Come in” Riki said sounding slightly panicked. I slowly open the door to see her sitting on the edge of the bed that held a screaming blonde girl. I quickly walked over and sat down on the other side of her. The girl was mumbling someone’s name (when she wasn’t screeching like a banshee)

            ‘She’s having a nightmare about her brother and I cant get her to wake up.” Riki said as she shook the girl saying her name

            “Oh, this is Lisa,” I asked

            “Yes,” she said quickly

            “Move.” I said batting her hands away

            “What…” was all she got out. I took the girl into my arms, slowly rocking her as I sang the song my mother sang to me as a child when I had nightmares

            “SHUSH CILD, DON’T YOU FEAR,”





As I sang the  girl slowly started to calm down. When I finished she opened her eyes and jumped back

            “Who are you,” she said

            “This is Nicole, she’s new here,” Riki informed her, “Where did you hear that song?” she asked

            “My mom used to sing it to me and Tommy when we were little” I informed her. Lisa looked at me

                        “Thank you for helping me.” She said

                        “No problem,” I said getting up and heading back down to my room. By this time I was exhausted. I changed into my pajamas and grabbed my favorite stuffed animal, a lime green dog, and went to bed. After I fell asleep I started dreaming.  It started with my mom sitting in a rocking chair singing, I walked closer to see it was me as an infant, slowly the scenes began to change and I saw my life before my eyes and in every scene my mom was singing, then all of a sudden the singing stopped and was replaced by screaming, then there was pain, a lot of pain.

            I sat straight up in bed, panting and sweating like a pig. I got out of bed with my stuffed dog and headed to my brothers room. When I got there, there were tears in my eyes. I knocked on the door. I heard Tommy unlock the door to see me, messy haired and teary eyed in my pajamas with my green puppy, just like when we were kids

            “OH MY GOD, sis are you okay?” he said hugging me as he led me into his room, sitting me down on his bed

            “I had that dream again Tommy.” I told him as I wiped my eyes on my sleeve. He handed me a tissue so I could blow my nose.

            “It’s okay, he’s not going to hurt us anymore.” He said soothing me

            “What happened?” a deep voice questioned, and honestly I could care less at the moment, who it was. I didn’t care how I looked.

            “When we were younger, our uncle kidnapped me and Nicole and forced us into prostitution, for years. It had the greatest toll on Nicole because she absolutely adored our uncle, until that happened, that and she was beaten.” Tommy told him “I knew something was wrong because she had the puppy dog I had given her and she was wearing her pajamas.” He said hugging me tighter. I had quit crying and sat there sniffling.

            “How would that let you know something’s wrong.” The other man asked

            “Because, I got her that puppy and after our uncle kidnapped us, every time she had a really bad day or when she was having nightmares, she would grab her puppy and climb into bed with me so she wouldn’t be alone, she then would cry herself to sleep.” He told him just as I fell asleep.

            I woke up stuffy nosed and in my brothers room. I sat up to see he had sleep in the floor to let me have the bed. I then caught a movement out of the corner of my eye, I looked over at the second bed to see a young man who must have been the one who was here last night. I quietly got out of bed and headed to the door.

            “you don’t have to leave just yet.” Came an unfamiliar voice. I looked over at the man in the bed. He eyes were open and he was looking at me

            “Sorry, but I do, I’m sorry for bursting in last night like that,” I said looking at my feet, embarrassed.

            “No big thing,” he said, and I blushed even deeper. “Your really cute when you blush.” He called as I left the room. I shut the door and leaned against it a moment before starting sown the hallway toward my dorm

            “Nice p.j.s.” Dimitri said, making me jump about a foot in the air.

            “Jesus Christ, you scared the bajezuz out of me.” I said putting my hand over my still pounding heart.

            “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you , you were late for practice so I came to check on you, but you were obviously not in you room.” He said

            “I spent the night in my brothers room by accident,” I informed him unlocking my door, waking in and dropping down on the bed. Dimitri had followed me in

            “Okay..?” he said sitting in the desk chair after picking up the papers I had knocked off yesterday.

            “Long story, don’t ask.” I aid drowsily.

            “You need to go back to sleep.” He said standing and walking over. He made me stand while he made the bed and folded down the sheets

            “Bed,” he said pointing down at my sheets. I crawled into bed and closed my eyes as he pulled the covers up over me.

            “good night Nicole,” he said kissing my forehead before walking out the door.

            After he left I reached up and touched the place he had kissed me, it tingled. I fell asleep, this time I didn’t dream. I woke up late the next day to see the neat stacks of paper on my desk. I looked over at my clock to see what time it was, instead I saw a box of tissue and a card. I picked up the box  while I read the card.


I sat the card back on the table and saw what time it was. One p.m, I thought, I have missed breakfast, lunch and my meeting with Tommy.

I got out of bed and went to take a shower. After my shower I brushed my teeth as I gathered my things for the day. When I got to my desk to get the homework I had completed, I found a note



            I smiled at the note, finished gathering my thing and went to hunt Tommy down. I found him in the dining hall playing solitary.

            “Hey” he said as I came in

            “Hey, first of all who was that person you call a roommate.”  I asked

            “That would be Kriss,” he informed me

            “Second, why did he send me a box of Kleenex.” I shot at him. He looked up at me.

            “He sent you a box of Kleenex,” he said a bit confused

            “Yes” I said handing him the card

            “Well, I’m not really sure why he sent you tissue.” He said

            “Nether do I. so what did you want to meet me for.” I asked him

            “I found out uncle Marten died of a heart attack yesterday.” He said somberly

            Why would I want to know that.” I asked him

            “Well I figured after you found out about this you could rest easier.” He informed me

            “Oh, okay,” I said. “Thanks for being there for me last night.” I said hugging him

            “Any time,” he said hugging me back

            “Isn’t this sweet or gross I’m not sure which.” Came a snoodie comment from the doorway. I turned to find a twig like girl

            “Who are you.” I asked her as she twitched her way toward us.

            “Better question is, who is this cutie you’re mooching on.” She asked back

            “My brother.” I said starting to get ticked off

            “Ahhh, well that’s not nearly as fun.” She sneered

            “Good, now you can take your twitchy ass and leave.” Tommy shot at her

            “Well, how nice, tall dark and handsome noticed my ass.” She said with a fake faint

            “In your dreams.” He sneered clearly pissed off

            “We will see.” She said laying her hand on his

            “GET OUT NOW and keep your hands off my brother.” I said forcefully

            “And who so you think you are telling me what to do.” She snapped

            “Someone who could snap your little neck and not think twice about it.” I said calmly. She sneered  at me but turned and twitched out.

            “Well, someone’s obviously a bitch.” I said to my brother. “Don’t ever go for a girl like that, because don’t want to whip her ass, that and her crotch is probably infected with god knows what. I’m surprised it hasn’t fallen off by now”

            “Not planning on it, I value my freedom and I would like to keep my junk.” Tommy said as he looked toward the door. “With the way she was acting, I may have to hire you to be my body guard.”

            “Ha-ha, you wouldn’t have to hire me, I would gladly show her place with no charge.” I said with a grin.

            “Is that so,” came a voice from behind me “I may look into your services as well.” He finished as I turned around to see Tommy’s roommate

            “Hey Tommy” Kriss said “plans still on for tonight or… do you have other plans.” He said pointing toward the door.

            “Plans are still on, defiantly, I wouldn’t want to be caught alone with her.” Tommy said making a face

            “What have you guys got planned for tonight.” I asked,” you better not be planning on taking over the world without me.” I joked pointing at my brother while looking at him with squinty eyes.

            “Wouldn’t even think of it.” he said with a smile “no we are going to go out and drink,”

            “Well crap, that’s just as good, but I have training,” I informed him looking at the time “in fact, I need to get going” I said heading to the gym

            “See ya sis,” Tommy called as the door shut behind me. I turned and looked at the door as I smiled. I sighed a laugh and headed to the gym.

            When I entered the room something felt off. I looked around, everything was where it should be, the only thing missing, Dimirti. I checked out the back door to see if he was there, of course, he wasn’t. I checked the time to see if I was early. No im actually running late. Where could he be. I asked myself. After sitting around for ten more minutes I decide to go look for him. I went first to the building where the teachers stayed to look in his room, he had an entire floor to himself but he wasn’t there. On my way back to the school I stopped by my dorm. When I was leaving I passed Riki’s room and from behind the door I heard a crash. I walked over to listen and I heard yet another crash. This time I opened the door. The first thing I saw was glass all over the floor.

            The next thing I was Riki up in(a way to calm) Dimiri’s face yelling at him. She was so caught up in screaming she didn’t even know I was there.

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