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the front seat and put my holster for my staff on my back and put my daggers in their proper places at my wrist and ankles. Putting my wallet in my back pocket I climbed into my car, a 2010 mustang, midnight blue with lighter blue under lights, chrome hubcaps, and black leather seats. On my rearview I have a stake, the same one that left a scar in my side ten years ago. I started the car and pulled out, heading down the road about a mile and pulled into the good morning buffet. I drove around till I spotted my moms car and parked next to it. Grabbing my phone from where it sat charging. I headed inside to find my family. Surprisingly, they weren’t that hard to find. It’s pretty easy to locate a party of nine all tall and dark headed, with blazing blue eyes. Me on the other hand had flaming red hair down to my knees and emerald green eyes.

            “hey guys,” I said as I sat down next to my dad.

            “we got you a drink already.” Mom said from the other side of my dad.          

            “that’s fine” I said reaching for my drink, I was parched. I finished my  first glass before I gave my dad a hug.

            “hey kiddo,” he said hugging me back.
            “hey dad, how was the trip” I asked him
“we didn’t get the deal we wanted” he informed me handing me an envelope.

            “what’s this,” I asked opening it. It was a letter from the man my dad was trying to make a deal with. I read and reread it, while in the process my family sat quietly, waiting for it to sink in, it finally did.

            “dad this is great,” I said hugging him again. The rest of the meal we sat chatting and catching up with dad. He had been gone for nearly a month. All to soon it was time for us kids to go back to school. Tommy and me had training that afternoon. We said our good-byes and jammed into mine and Tommy’s cars and headed back to the school. I barely made it into the gym when Mr. Stevenson was fixing to leave.

            “Well I thought you weren’t coming,” he said

  “I just got back from having brunch with my family. My dad just got back.” I informed him as I got ready for class

            “ahhh, that would explain it, how well are you at throwing” he asked me

 â€śI’m very good at it.” I informed him “ and I always carry my daggers with me. “ I finished showing him the sheathes at my wrists.

            “okay, then show me. Hit that target over there” he said pointing it out

  “the one all the way across the gym.” I asked to make sure I had it right

            “yes,” he said sounding like he just KNEW I wouldn’t hit the target. I unsheathed my first dagger, got into position, spun and let go. To his utter belief the dagger hit its mark, right dead center of the target. He attempted to pull it out and couldn’t.

            “wow, I have had students hit the target, but never one to hit the center and the throwing object jammed hilt deep into a cement wall” he said, absolutely amazed. I walked over placing my foot on the wall and pulled the dagger out.

            “Practice,” was all I said. The rest of class went by in a blur. I went back to my room, showered again, and went to find something to eat. When I got back to my room there was an envelope taped to my door, it had my name on it in neat handwriting. I took it off the door and headed inside, plopping down onto my bed I ripped open the envelope, the letter inside said this



            The letter had no name, but I was bound and determined to find out who it was. I was going to the west wing. It was 12:15 a.m. when I got to the west wing. It was also pitch black, well for normal people. I stood there listening to the night around me, smelling, sensing. I caught a movement behind me. I spun, grabbing my staff, slamming the unknown object against the wall, staff at its neck

            “What the hell are you doing.” It whispered furiously. It was female. I stepped back and got a good look at her. She was tallish, with thick chestnut hair down to her waist and she was very pretty.

            “Excuse me if I reacted to something that could have been life threatening.” I snapped.

            “I’m liking you even better.” She said smiling, extending her hand “I’m Riki Hemmingway.”

            “Nicole,” I shook her hand “Your in my biology class.” I said now placing where I had seen her before.

            “Yea, even though I don’t understand why we have to take that class.” She said putting her back against the wall.

            “Me either other than its mandatory.”  I said keeping an eye out for administration or threats

            “Do you always do that.” She asked suddenly.

            “Do what?” I asked not sure what she meant

            “Keep an eye out like that.” She clarified

            “Yes.” Was all I said

            “Well, I have to get back, Lisa will be looking for me if I’m not there if she wakes up. Here is the number to my room, come and talk to me any time.” She said handing me a slip of paper and walking away. “oh,” she said, stopping to look at me “Stay away from Dimitri, he’s mine” she finished, turning back the way she came. I just stood there smiling. When I got back to my room I went straight to bed, planning my next move.


Chapter two

I woke up Monday morning, got up and got ready for training, and instead of just my staff I also slipped my machete into my sheath and went to the gym, skipping breakfast

            “Good morning, I wasn’t expecting you this early.” Dimitri said without looking up from tying his sneakers.

            “Well I enjoy training,” I said, standing there with my hands on my hips “So what are we doing today.” I asked

            “Jogging,” he replied. As he led me out the back door. “We will run around the school a few times, then we will work on honing your sense of smell and ability to sense oncoming threats.” He said, taking off around the corner without another word. I sighed, taking off after him, catching up pretty quickly. We jogged in a comfortable silence for a while.

            “You haven’t even broken a sweat.” He said looking over at me.          

            “Neither have you.” I pointed out.

            “True.” He said. We finished our laps and went back inside. When we got to the center of the gym he pulled a blindfold out of his back pocket and covered my eyes with it. Tying it, his hands lingered slightly at my hair.

            “Don’t use the machete alright.” he said from somewhere to the left of me. “ I have brought in two other people to help me with this.” He said

            “Alright.” I said, then got really still, breathing in deeply. I caught a whiff of something familiar, and the thing was to the right and slightly behind me. I grabbed my staff and whirled smacking into the person.

            “Ow,” she whispered

            “Hello Riki,” I said with I smile as I swung left whacking a solid young man who made an “uff” sound when the rod hit his back. I had taken out two of the three threats. I stood there listening and waiting, that is when I heard it, the flapping of clothing, above me. I sidestepped out of the way just as someone landed skillfully on their feet.

            I took my blindfold off to see three people staring at me; Riki, Dimitri and another guy I had in math, Eddie.

            “Is there anything you can’t do?” Dimitri asked

            “I don’t know, you tell me.” I said turning around and walking away, before I passed out. I woke up to a bright light in a room I was unfamiliar with. I tried to sit up, but strong hands pushed me back down

            “Oh no you don’t.” said a voice I would recognize anywhere.

            “And just why not.” I asked fiercely. “Will you turn that light off.” I said, the light clicked off just as my brother came in the room

            “Well like usual, you have went weeks upon weeks without feeding, you got so weak, so after your strenuous training session you passed out on your feet and cracked your head pretty hard.” He said handing Dimitri a Styrofoam cup.

            “So why can’t I sit up.” I questioned. Dimitri answered  this time.

            “Well, other than the fact you could do more harm to yourself than good, you are also hooked up to about three different machines” he informed me.

            “Well if I can’t sit up can one of you help me prop myself up and get me some coffee?” I asked. My brother instantly leaned forward, fluffing my pillows, rearranging them so I was in a semi sitting position. He also miracuasly pulled out a third Styrofoam cup and handed it to me.

            “”Sweet with a little cream.” He said.

            “Very good.” I replied taking a drink before sitting it down on the table beside the bed. “So when do I get out of here.” I asked just as a kind looking woman came in

            “Well, we will see after we check your vitals.” She said at she took my temperature, pulse, blood pressure and did a few other test.

            “Well, good news” she said, “You can leave today.” She said with a smile as she removed the tubes from my hands.

            “Wait, what is today?” I asked

            “Sunday” Tommy said

            “What, I have been out for a week, God I’m gonna be so far behind in my school work.” I said as I got to of bed and realized I was wearing those funky looking hospital gowns.

           “Crap, please tell me I have clothes here because I do not want to walk all the way to my dorm in this.” I said pointing down at my clothes. Tommy handed me a bag, which I took happily heading to the bathroom. I came back out pulling my hair into a messy ponytail because I didn’t have a brush.

            “Thank you Tommy,” I said

            “Don’t thank me, I didn’t get them, he did.” Tommy informed me

            “Well, than thank you Dimitri.” I said, grabbing my coffee and went to my dorm, (I had finally finished unpacking)

            When I got there I took a shower and brushed my teeth and then went to find my teachers so I could get my homework. I got back to my dorm with my monstrous pile of work, sat down at the desk and started. Not long after I started my calculus homework I heard a scream, jumping up, sending papers flying off my desk and raced out the door toward

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