American library books Β» Juvenile Fiction Β» Scars by Brooklynn (bill gates books recommendations .txt) πŸ“•

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Why me?


"Wake the fuck up would ya!?" A loud voice shouted from the other side of my bedroom door. I groaned and rolled over in my bed. "I’m awake you ass!" I screamed back. I scrunched my hair in my hands and screamed loudly. Rolling over I dropped to the floor off my bed. I Rubbed My Forehead and Stood Up. "Stupid Floor..." With Every Step I took I Groaned and Whined. When I Got To The Bathroom I Turned The Tap, Striped My Clothes, And Got In The Shower. My Black Hair Was Sticking To My Skin As The Water Soaked It. I grabbed the shampoo bottle and squeezed out some soap into my palm. I washed my hair and then washed my body with body wash, and rinsed its all out and off. I Turned Off the Water and Grabbed A Towel. I wrapped it around me and stood in front of my mirror. I grabbed my toothbrush out of my cubby and grabbed the mouth wash and tooth paste as well. I tightened my towel before taking the toothpaste and smearing a bit onto my tooth brush and rinsing it under some water. I brushed my teeth, and after wards rinsed with some mouthwash. I Walked Back Into My Room. I Took Out Some Black Jeans, A White Tank Top and a Pink foodie. I Put On My Bra and Underwear and Pulled Up My Jeans. "Danyelle! Hurry Up!" I Groaned and Buttoned Up My Jeans. I Didn't Even Have My Top On Yet. I Stormed Over To the Door and Ripped It Open. "Imp Coming, Give Me Five Fucking Minutes!" I Screamed In Tyler's Face Before Slamming The Door. Tyler Was My Annoying Brother. Look's Just Like Me, Complete Opposite In Most Ways. Everyone In This House Has The Same Personality's Really. We All Have Family Issues, Things We Hate about Ourselves, it’s Why Every One in the House Cut's There Wrists. For Me, It Takes Away The Pain Of Being Blamed For My Dad's Death. I Don't Eat Much, Some Times I Starve Myself... threes Just Certain Things That Are UN- Explainable. I Sighed. I Pulled My Hoodie Over My Tank Top And Put On Some Old Pink Converse. I Went Into My Bathroom and Added A Dark Line of Liquid Eyeliner On Top Of My Eye, Then Pencil Eyeliner on the Bottom. Lastly Using Mascara To Perfect My Lashes, I Topped It Off With A Light Pink Shadow. "Perfect As I'll ever be" I said to myself in the Mirror. I Shrugged and Grabbed My Bag off My Bed. I Slammed The Door Behind Me And Walked Downstairs To The Living Room. Almost Everyone Was Sitting Around On The Couch's. Jade, Zoey, Clair and Skyler Were Sitting around with My Boyfriend Riley, then on the other couches were Tyler, Jason, Justin, Mickey, And Clayton. The Girls were all 16, Except For Kimberly; she’s 15, And By The Way, Not Ready for School Yet. Burgh! All The Guys Are 17, just ending third years In High school, Lucky Them. We had about 2 months left till summer, all of us. I Smiled At Riley and Ran and Jumped On his Lap. He Kissed My Forehead And Smiled At Me. "Good Morning Beautiful" He Whispered In My Ear. "Morning Baby" I Cuddled Into His Chest And Relaxed. "Where The Fuck Is Kimberly?" Clair Asked Annoyed. "I'll Go Get Her" Mickey Said. "Thanks Mickey Baby!" I Shouted Back At Him. "Welcome! Danny Baby!" He Shouted Back, Half Way Up the Stairs. Everyone Started Laughing And Talking With Each other. "You guys are so cute together!" I smiled wide at Clayton and Skyler. "Thanks" They both said at the same time. I smiled wider and kissed Riley's lips gently. "Get a room you two. And Clay, Sky, Please don’t become sex maniac's Like those guys" Tyler said shivering, tossing his thumbs back and pointing at me and riles. "For your information, Mr. I'll use my left hand every night to Jada's picture, We haven’t had sex" I said smirking evilly as Tyler's, and Jada's face went completly red. I felt Riley stiffen, and made a mental note to ask him what the heck that was about. "I Dont do that" Tyler protested. He looked over at Jada, whose face was plastered into a geometry book, hiding her blush. Everyone burst up laughing.” Were not going to, no worries Ty" Skyler said laughing a long with C, kissing him in between, whispering little things to him that he blushed crazy about. I laughed harder. Tyler glared at me, and I sobered up. Hiding my giggles in coughs and looked at Riley. He was looking everywhere except in my eyes. Literally avoiding my whole face. What the fuck? Fine, whatever. I got off his lap and started to walk away when he pulled me back onto his lap. Still not looking at me, but not wanting me to leave? Again I say, What the fuck!? I Tensed but didnt go against him. I ignored him completely and just sat there, listening to everyone else talk. Why was he being like this? I Dont know what I did, and its pissing me off that he just wouldnt look at me. I wanted to be away from him, his touch. I could feel myself relaxing just being against his chest. I sighed. All I wanted to do when Riley was mad at me, or whatever he was at me, was cut myself, and cry. Clearly, I couldnt do that so close to school, But of course I still wanted to. I struggled against him on the inside, while the outside of my body clearly wasnt part of me, since it was relaxing and laying against his chest, snuggling his neck. Stupid body. A little bubble of laughter escaped my lips and everyone's eyes turned to me. I looked down and shrugged. "My bad..." I said. I bit my lip and tried not to laugh again. Everyone started talking again and I sighed, once more, Annoyed with riley, but more myself.


My Phone Buzzed In My Hand, Ringing Loud And Clear, And It Shot Me Straight Up And Awake. I Really Need To Learn Not To Fall Asleep With This Thing. I Sighed And looked down at my phone. My Eye's Threatened To Water When I Saw The Contact. "Auntie". It should be evil bitch from hell... Sighing, I Clicked 'Answer' And Said "Hello?" "Good your Awake, I Wanted To Talk To You About Something" She Said. Her Voice Had A Evil Tone, And A Tiny Lisp. She Was Drunk And Definatley High. I Gulped And Replied "Okay, What Is It"? "Rod, shut up!, Im talking to bitch!" She shouted into the phone. I pulled it away from my ear and waited for her to continue. "I Accidently Broke Your Mom And Dad's Ash Vases Last Night, So I Just Sweeped E'm Up And Through E'm In The Trash, I Didn't Wanna Waste Time Putting Them Back Together, Or in Some Other Container, There Dead, Who Fucking Care's? - Im Coming Rod, Shut The Hell Up!" She Said, Well, Half Yelled And Hung Up. It took me a second to process what she had even said. Then, after analizing it... My Heart Stopped And My Muscles Tightened. Tear's Poured Over My Eyes And I Hung My Hair Over My Face. I Threw The IPhone Across The Room And Ran To My Bathroom. I Turned On The Shower, Stripped My Clothes, And Jumped In. I Reached Up And Grabbed The Blade From Under The Shampoo Bottles. Yes, I knew this was the wrong thing to do, No, I didnt care that I was doing I. Instead, I Sat Down Cross-Legged And Clutched The Razor Blade In My Hand. How Could She Just Throw My Parents Ashes Away! I Used The Edge Of The Blade And Dug it Into My Wrist, Tracing it In A Thin Line Across My Whole Wrist Width. The Blood, Mixed With Tears And Water Flowed Down The Drain. How Could She Just Say Who Cares! I Slit Another Thin Line And More Blood Poured. How Could She!, What The Fuck Is Wrong With Her! Does She Not Realize That That Was All I Had Left Of Them!? I Thought To Myself. Using The Blade Again I Sliced Another Quick Gash From Side To Side On My Wrist. Who does she think she is!? She's a God damn Turd-Monkey is what she is! And a big ol' Smelly one at that! I sighed. I Turned Off The Water And Stayed Seated. The Tears Distracted The Pain Almost Completely, And I Just Sat There In Blood, Tear Mixed Water, Tensing And Out Of Breath. It should have been me... It should have been me.. It should have been me... When I Caught My Breath, And My Headache Supsided, I Climed Out And Grabbed A Towel From Under The Sink. I Wrapped It Around My Chest And Waist And Walked Over to My Dresser. I Put On My Victoria Secret Grey Bra Set, And Some Grey High Socks. I Pulled Out A Pair Of Dark Blue Skinny Jeans, And A Grey And Blue Striped, Long Sleeve Crop Top. It Reached Just Above My Belly, Showing Over My Thin Flat Stomach. "God I hate myself..." I mumbled. I Got Out My Grey Converse And Sliped Them On. I Used Some Cover Up And Dark Eyeliner To Distract My Puffy Eyes, And Brushed Out My Red Straightened Hair. I Rolled Up My Sleeves And Sat On My Bed. I Looked Around My Room And Sighed. "I Can't Believe She Did that" I Whispered To Myself. I Felt A little Better, But No Where Near Perfect. I'd gotten over the stage of crying, now I was just pissed, angry and wanted to kill somthing. Maybe myself... *Knock Knock* I Looked Over At The Black Door. "Come In" I Said. The Door Knob twisted, And Then Door Creaked Open. Mickey Walked in, His Black And Red hair All Spikey And Long. His Briliant Smile Shining In The Light Of My Room. He Had On A Tight Black And White Shirt, Hugging his Abs. "Hey, You Almost Ready?" He Asked, Taking Me Out Of My Gawking. "Hey, And I guess" I Shrugged, Biting My Lip To Keep From Raping him with my eyes. "Then Let's go!" He Said Annoyingly Excited. "Okay" I Said Holding My Arms Up In Surrender. His Smile turned Down A Bit. I Follwed His Eyes to My Wrist, Blood Was Forming And Smeared Down My Arm. I Rubbed A Bit Of The Blood Away, But There Was A lot. Great, This Is The Perfect Way For Your Crush To See you. I Tried Rubbing It Again, But Still No Luck. "What Happend? He Asked. I was spazzing and rubbing my arms until I just gave up. I Shrugged And Rolled Down My Sleeves. "Come On Kimmy, What's Wrong?" He Asked Again, I Shrugged Again. I Felt My Eye's Begin to Water so I Ran To The Bathroom And Locked The Door. No Way In Hell Was I Going To Let Him See Me Cry. Though... running into a bathroom out of the blue didnt seem to show that I had any power. Smart Kimberly.. I Sat On The Toilet And My Eye's Poured Black Tinged Tears. Stupid Eye Liner. He Probably Thinks I'm Some Little Kid, Since Im The Youngest In The House. He Probably Doesn't Even Like Me Back. Silent Tears Flowed More And More Down My Cheeks. I opened the doors under the sink and pulled out the first aid kit.

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